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Same old story...

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I have fallen for the girlfriend of my best friend. At first there was nothing there she was merely a friend, but as I got to know her more and more I fell deeper and deeper. I realised that she was the one, my soul mate…I told myself as soon as I realised that I loved her I cant do anything and wont do anything because I value my friendship with both her and my mate but no matter how hard I try I cant shake these feelings that I have for her and the more I think of her the more empty I feel. I do wonder why she is with my mate, they have been going out now for about 2 years and he is a b***** to her a lot of the time but still she is completely besotted with him, (she has plans for marriage and children with him). He has even told me in confidence that he has slept with another girl while going out with her and that he has done other things with other girls as well, he shows no remorse or guilt and it’s so hard to stay cool knowing this stuff but somehow I manage to. If only she could see that I can love her so much more than he does… I’m not really looking for advice because I know that I must leave this well alone, I just needed to get this off my chest, as I’ve been keeping this inside me for a while and I can’t tell any of my friends as it will inevitably get back to him and that would prove bad for me...Anyway thanks for listening...

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