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How do women show interest in a guy?

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This thread is so familiar to me. You guys covered a lot of issues, the vaste majority of people suffer from, including me.


Anyways, Ross you are not alone. Not everyone is so lucky, in terms of attracting women - or vice versa. It is good to see, you're visiting a psychologist for your personal well being. It really helps your self-esteem in the long run - unfortunately I can't say the same for myself.


How come if you don't mind me asking?


Invest your time and money in some self help social anxiety books, psychology books. I might, even, take out a few books for myself - since I haven't read one in a long while.


Max pointed out few good points, as well as others.


It is really frusturating to see people infront of your face, bragging about the women they attract, the looks, the sexual attraction. My brother talks and talks so much about the girls that give him looks, the body language, the conversations. It's an ego boost for him all the time, and above that he asks for encouragement from me on 'How-to-improve-myself-so-that-I-can-get-more-girls". :mad: In the end - what do I get - a smile from a guy or a simple glance (-short stare) if I'm lucky.


Keep working on it, you'll improve. A little more confidence helps.


Thanks, I'll try.


There's a site you may be interested in for people like us, http://s15.invisionfree.com/IncelSupport/

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Come on guys answer my Q's. :p

sorry dude, my resources are spread thin right now...

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