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confess feelings before leaving?

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Hello all. I have a romance situation that's been in my head awhile now. I've known this girl for two years now. I'm in college, she is too, she's a bit younger than me. I've liked her since the first time we met. We went out one evening and afterwards she respectably told me straight up that she only felt something platonic.


Disappointed but kind of impressed, I left her alone for awhile, ended up getting involved with someone else that proved to be a mismatch that ended quick. After this, throughout the first half of this year I'd run into my friend on campus often. We'd always have good talks, she'd always show interest in me and a good amount of interesting questions, but she'd never be down to meet up outside of chance. I'd propose things and she'd either not sound too into it, or she'd say that she was yet we would never end up meeting when I called her out on it.


So these signs were telling me that she wasn't interested. I was being hopeful, maybe she was just friendly. I about gave up but never did thinking that I perhaps just ought to be persistent. So where it is now is that I am leaving the country in about one month and won't be back for a year. A bit over a month ago I decided to try to meet up with her before I left, and in the time since she's been different - returning calls, down to hang out, suggesting different things to do. In this time we've hung out together thrice, and are set to once more before I leave.


While her previous signals were telling me she wasn't interested really, now she's showing me more love but I wonder if it's just because I am about to leave. I have always felt something between us, she seems interested to get to know me as I am about her... yet I've never busted a kiss or much else because I never was allowed much opportunity, and I've never told her how I felt.


What I'm wondering is if I ought to tell her how I feel before I leave. I just found out too that she's been seeing someone recently. Maybe coming at her with how I feel about her right before I leave, and shortly after she started seeing somebody, would be inconsiderate timing on my part.... but I don't want to go out like Clark Kent either, and want her the way I do without every expressing it. any suggestions?

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Let her know before you go, but, be prepared to face the outcome as well, since she's involve with someone else now. It's not inconsiderate, it's just being honest. Take care and good luck!

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