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ok my b/f of more than a year got his first lap top/computer a few months ago..he set up a yahoo account---i know the e-mail...i put it in my buddy list for aol and aim..with out the address at the end of course--meaning yahoo.com...he dropped me off at 5:15 am or so one morning--i go online b/c i wasnt tired at that point--about 5:45 or so i see his sn appear on the aol buddly list under the mobile part..then around 6:15 or so..he was online on the regular part of the buddy list--i write hi, didn't know you used this..and no response...he signs of a few minutes later...this was like last week...


Then today, i see him online about 5:15 or so and i send a message and again no response--i call him--no answer...i call about 15-20 minutes later while he was still online..no answer..he puts an away message on and then signs off shortly after--about 15 minutes later he calls me saying he just go in from working in the yard, ate a little...i asked him if he had instant messenger or aol and he said--i said i just saw you online and he said no i dont have aol---then he said is ur e-mail the same as ur sn, what would show up if you sent me a message--he said no i dont have aol...do you think its too big of a coincidence that someone else has that sn from aol or aim--signed on about 20-30 minutes after dropping me off...Why would someone lie about that?

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Don't know. Just jump on his computer next time you are over and see if he has it. I'm not totally sure what you are saying, but I think you have just put his name/handle/nickname or whatever you call it in aol and that could be used by someone else I would imagine - its different than an email address at yahoo.


I tell you, computers are such a pain in the arse when it comes to suspecting gf's/bf's of cheating or ignoring or bull****ting..... :(

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I'm having a hard time believing that he would be so stupid as to think you wouldn't be suspicious if he really had been on there.


Honestly.. Suppose he signs on after dropping you off. Then ignores your messages, then LIES about being even having the programs. Then does it a second time. Flat out ignores your messages, and LIES saying he was doing yard work.


He'd either have to be brain dead to think that wouldn't cause you to freak, or he honestly wasn't on there. I'm having a hard time believing he'd be so dumb about it.


I could see if he were messaging you while messaging someone else at the same time. I could see him replying to your messages and lying about why he was on there. I could see a million other ways that would be much easier and quicker way to get you to believe it's all innocent. But flat out lie that he wasn't on there after he got several messages from you? Then tell you he was no where near his computer? hmmm...


If this is the truth, and he is lying about being on there.. You might suggest he have his IQ checked. That's about the worst lie ever.


If you don't believe him, then ask to see his laptop. Or snoop. I'd say ask instead. The aol will be on there, but I'd bet he hasn't used it. Check the properties first for last time it was used.

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He said he hasnt even used the computer and asked his friend who does have aol to check it out but he doesnt have a profile.


When i first asked him he was like no--if you want to see the computer next time, look.


He was on this morning too--whoever the person..and my b/f picks--and he was fixing something at someone's house--(his job) and i hear him say--hang up the phone please...and then he said i will call you back---at that time--this person signs off.....he calls me back like 2 minutes later saying he left the first job. Another coincidence? I guess he wouldn't be on while fixing someone'se phone at the moment in someone else's house?

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I would wait to see if the coincedence happens again. Keep on doing the same thing as far as calling and looking for coincedences like the last few times. Did the little mobile thing pop up again the second time he was fixing someone's phone?


Keep your eye on the situation....just in case!

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I'm not sure how a yahoo email id would also be an AIM id. I think you have someone else's user name there.


Why do you think your bf is lying to you about this? Does he lie to you about other things?

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the mobile thing did come on--as well as just being online in general..me calling wouldnt have knocked him off.


Unless he was faking being in someone else's house fixing the phone or something was online..i have no idea....

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I would keep an eye on it and see how many coincidences there are...my friend went as far as making a fake user name to see if her bf would talk to her...it caused more damage than good, i'm not offering that as advice...but just a warning if the thought crossed your mind.


keep an eye on it and go from there,,,could be somone else. next i would check his history on his computer next time you are around.

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You could check his phone bill or something.'


OR I'm not encouraging this stuff but the doubt would kill me so I'd have to search for something to help me lean either way.


Ask to use his phone and see if his phone even has AIM on it, if it does - select it and the screenname should already be up there ready to sign in.


The yahoo email is a totally different thing from the aim sn. So I would just keep that in mind. Also, please make sure you want to know what's going on good or bad. I've gotten caught up wanting to know the truth when I wasn't really at all prepared for it.


Good luck and keep us posted! :)

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I don't think looking at the phone bill will tell me his activity online...it might just be a big coincidence..it's not like it's such a difficulty name to copy.

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Does anyone else feel its such a weird coincidence or it is possible:


5:20 am or so he drops me off--then about 20 minutes later i see the sn appear for mobile and then online about at 6:15 for a few minutes.


Another sunday--he does not pick up as this sn is online..a few minutes later, the person signs off and my b/f calls me about 15 minutes later saying he just got in fron the yard.


Then another time is 9:30 am--i call him--at the same time this person signs off or gets kicked off--he said can u hang that up please obviously to someone else-- and then he said he would call me back..he did and he said he was at the customer's house (his job does not have to do with using a laptop just wanted to let u knoe) i guess i could be paranoid to believe that he knew i saw him online and pretended to be at a customers house...

i know i am replaying the events

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Noone else has any thoughts? My friend said if he is using a lap top and has aol..(which i'm sure thats what it is b/c it said aol profiles cant be accessed through aim and aim is what i was using) she said it probably would have lost a connection a few times...he has been idle for about 6 hours right now meaning he has been online that long but just not typing anything..wouldnt a person with a lap top usually just shut it off if they werent using it instead of wasting the battery? Is it just one big coincidence?

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AOL is America Online. AIM is AOL Instant Messenger. AOL is an internet service provider; unless his email says [email protected], he's not using AOL. If his email is [email protected], he's not using AOL.


AIM is an instant messenger program. Again, no ties to yahoo, and you can have a separate screen name for AIM than you have for your email AOL.


Laptops have electric cords too, so a laptop can be sitting unused on someone's desk and not be using up the battery. If he's traveling with the laptop, he has to actually connect to a wireless service in order to be online.


You are way obssessed with this without having any information. It's one big coincidence. Yahoo and AIM have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

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I know yahoo and aim have nothing to do with one another--but what i am thinking is--he used the same sn to use AIM which is free and that he lied about having it. I realize AOL and yahoo are different.

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I know yahoo and aim have nothing to do with one another--but what i am thinking is--he used the same sn to use AIM which is free and that he lied about having it. I realize AOL and yahoo are different.


I can't believe you are still worried about this! Chill out. I can not see anything from your posts to seriously warrant the amount of suspicion you have. It's all in your imagination.

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Guest. You seem to be very into this. I thought you dropped it with my last post.


Have you ever tried going online while you guys were together? Maybe you can check periodically just to see if that's another coincedence.

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Sounds like someone else is using AIM with the same screen name as his yahoo. No big puzzle. How many times have you found you can't use your normal sn because it's already taken?


Chill out! ;)

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Go back to the question you never answered... I'm dying of curiosity here.


Do you have any other reason to believe your bf would be lying to you?


Actions in his past, things he's said, is he acting funny now??? Anything different at all?

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I just realized something...


I downloaded that retarded AIM program, and I tried to add my mom and nieces. I had to have their Exact screen name as they registered it on that specific program. Not their email address. I could look them up by email address, but had to have the FULL email address. (In which I still couldnt' find any of them)


You only entered in the first part, minus domain name. (@yahoo.com) So it could be ANYONE. Absolutely anyone who happened to choose the same screen name that your bf has for his email account. Your bf didn't chose a screen name for AIM unless he downloaded it and set it up. And IS it even possible to get the same screen name for BOTH Yahoo and AIM??? I went through 17 different combinations of words before I could get a screen name on AIM that I was even half interested in using. No way I could use my name or even partial name. Which is crazy since I've NEVER, not once, met anyone with my name in my entire life!! And I was trying every different combination of words I could think of to get it to let me register. Seriously, I think every freakin' possible word and number combo is taken!!!! WTF? I was ready to throw my computer out the window after having it tell me for the 16th time "That is not a valid ID". OH YEAH.. Blow me AIM! Wouldnt' take that one either. :laugh:


Because he has yahoo email, is doesn't mean he gets the same user ID from AOL. Completely seperate.


Why do you distrust your bf so much? What's he done to you in the past to make you so sure of that he's lying now? Must be bad...

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Hi guys,


Just thought it was weird--raised my suspicions.


Here is the latest thing which i guess proves me wrong.


This person signs on 9:35 pm--i called him at 9 and he was outside finishing up something with his neighbor on a car.


So at 9:40 or so i text him saying are u still outside--i dont feel well. (i'm on a different sn viewing this)He calls me within a few minutes like 5 or so and says he forgot something in the garage--this sn is still on and i really doubt a person would go through that much lengths to lie about being online right? Going online but seeing as though he knows i questioned him on this--go outside and make noise with the garage door. He comes in and puts me on speaker so he can wash his hands, he says they are all dirty and that he is gonna take a shower soon. This sn is still online--i guess its safe to assume its one big coincidence now??

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