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what does this mean?

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My g/f of 4 years out of the blue the other day said "lets imagine other ppl" ,while we were making love.WTF lol I called her out on what she said the next day and she said she read it in cosmo and didnt really imagine other ppl.She said she said it but never did it


Should I buy her BS ?

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It's simply fantasy-play. Don't give it a second thought.


(If she wants to try that again, then moan out the name of someone else when you cum... maybe Chewbacca, or Ernest Borgnine, maybe even Ann Coulter.)

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Fantasy is a great part of sex. Go with it dude! But I can understand your shock. I was once having a conversation with the boys and somehow mentioned fantasing about others during sex and the whole table went quiet and they just stared at me in shock like I was weird. I guess everyone is different.

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I would say your girl is trying to make sex a little more interesting.


I actually read some where that men were notorious for doing this but not telling their partner. I'm pleastantly surprised you guys don't.


Why don't you and your girl find some new ways to spice things up. Maybe let her know that you don't want to bring other people into the sex, but you'd be fine with trying anything else she'd like.

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