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Did mt g/f cheat on me with my friend?

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I found out through the phone bill that my g/f had been talking heavily to my friend on the phone while she was at work.He would call her 20 minutes b4 her lunch all the time and then after lunch too.Seems like they met up for lunch but she says she never did.


When I did find out they were talking I told them to stop but they still talked for 5 more days behind my back and she lied to me about it.


She also lied to me about him picking her up from work one day,he picked her up and they went to the mountain to drink beer and smoke.She said she asked him for a kiss but he denied her ?


She told me she had a crush on him in the beginning of our relationship but it died out ?


I asked her if they ever discussed that and she said no.Then I did reverse phsycholigy on her and said he told me you did.Then she told they did mention that they discussed how they "use to have a crush on eachother"


Some more crap shes said and done......


-"stick it in my butt " She said that out of the blue one night when supposadly shes never had anal sex


-"lets imagine other ppl" she said that the same night


-"I love sex" she said that too


-When I told her to stop talking to my friend she said......."you dont understand us,we have something special" Im like WTF!


-She text hime "good morning the day after I tell her to stop talking to him


The list can go on.......


Anyways,her excuse for everything is that she just thought he was a good friend and she was being stupid.She says they never hooked up.What do you guys think.....did they hook up.I get this vibe they did but shes never admitted nothing.Not even the info I posted here,I had to get all that info from her or the phone bill.Do you think she will take it to the the grave that she cheated on me.


I get this vibe that she did but im the type of guy that likes to give the benefit of the doubt

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WTF are you still doing with her?? She admitted she used to have a crush on him, you have phone records of their contact, she tells you she asked him for a kiss... and you wonder if something is going on? Even if nothing is going on - she does not respect you.


Now the "stick it in my butt" and "lets imagine other people" sounds all good fun to me, but its obviously not your cup of tea.


And she text the guy the next morning after you asked her to stop? Man, she is pissing all over you. Don't take it.


Why are you holding on??

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I second that opinion.


Personally, I'd say she's lying like crazy. I'd bet every dollar I have that she's cheating. Might not have had sex with him yet, but doesn't mean she hasn't desecrated your relationship anyway.


Tell her you spoke to the friend and he confessed. Or better yet, call your "supposed" friend and ask him what the hecks going on. Then tell her he confessed. Even if he didn't. Tell her you know what's going on. And it'd be better for her to fess up now.


But frankly, kick her to the curb.

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Marcus as the Peanut



Sounds to me like you should have a talk with your so called friend, about

respecting you!


Your GF has at least whats nown as a emotional affair

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She is playing you for a fool. Do you really need a piano to fall on your head to wake up? If the roles were reversed do you honestly believe that your girlfriend would believe such crap from you after constantly lying to her like she has to you? Why are you friends with this guy? He is stabbing you in the back also. Why are you accepting such bull from her. She shows she has no respect for you. If you do not respect yourself then who will?

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