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Vacationing with an Ex

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I'm confused on whether I should vacation with my ex. We broke January of this year. Hung out and messed around once in awhile till May. I think we both find each other irresistible. We have fun chillin. But, we have issues...duh..that's why we broke up. Ever since we broke up, we've fought dramatically. Even more than when we were together. I think it was because we weren't officially together and it is just weird on what we really can't say or do. We both kinda have pride. We know we have problems and we're both confused on whether or not we should get back together. Part of me wants to get back, but part of me doesn't. I just feel like the doesn't have the patience to work things out. I feel that he's the type that gives up. Maybe, I'm wrong. I think his issue with me is trust. I guess most men find me attractive and I have a good amount of close male friends that he doesn't like. I used to party a lot and he sees how men get attracted to me. I seem to have this problem with most bfs and I don't know if it is just me or the type of man I go out with. I'm very faithful and I dedicated and he knows that about me, but I think he thinks that it is too good to be true. I think he also gets scared to bring me around his male friends bc they might like me. He's brought me around but only to a few of them, he's kinda careful about it.


Anyways, I haven't seen him since May. Occassional text messages and a few phone calls after that. Then, a few weeks ago, he called me out of no where just to see how I was doing and we had a great time catching up and was on the phone for hours. We talked about vacationing. I brought it and I asked him if he would go with me. He said yes and to let him know. He knows how much I love to travel.


So now, we might actually go but I'm having second thoughts. I've been on a vacation with him but this one is longer and more serious. This trip is what couples do on a honeymoon. It will cost us twice as much money. I told him that I think that is kinda crazy and weird and he just said that you're the one who asked...and that he doens't think it is weird. So, I'm still thinking about it coz I don't want to get hurt. I know that I act impulsive at times.


My problem is that, I still do care about him but I'm also doing OK. I don't cry or miss him greatly that I can't sleep at night. I'm fine. But I do miss him and I"m not over him 100%. I've even gone on a few dates with some ppl. Nothing serious and I told him about this. He asked about the guys and how they look like and how it all started and if I like them. I don't like them but I just wanted to chill and give them a chance. Nothing grew from it. They seem to like me a lot more coz the keep asking me to chill and I've been making excuses. He asked if we did anything and we didn't. Everything was innocent. He says that there are some women that are interested at him and maybe he went on some dates too. I didn't really ask too many questions. This trip might bring us closer together but it also might make it worse. After the trip, what now? We go our separate ways again and try to move on. Do we end up getting back together? I know anything can happen. I don't want to get burned and start all over again.


What do you guys think? Anything similar happen to you?

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Sounds to me that you still have feelings enough to carry it on. Maybe you should? How long were you together? And why did you break up?

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