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This Girl I Like

What's In A Name

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What's In A Name

I can never tell when a girl likes me. I've observed a lot of my friends' relationships and it seems like they all do the same stupid crap, call their girlfriends and talk to them for two hours about petty **** while I'm stuck playing videogames until they get off the phone and want to do something; "confessing" things I'd rather not know in immature ways like, "yeah, I touched her [is this word allowed in the forums?].


Now, there's this girl. I've been her friend for about a year. She's held my hand a lot, and she always initiates that. Call me cynical, but I don't make a big deal of it. Holding hands seems to be the big Holy Grail of a high school relationship-in-the-making, but I do it all the time with numerous chicks who I would never date, and who I know would never date me.


Now, here's the part where I say, "but, this girl and me are different because...". Just bare with me. I honestly don't think this is different from any other high school relationship, I'm not claiming to be in the spot light or anything. All I know is that this girl is always trying to hold my hand and mess with my hair, and people are always asking me if I like her. Coming from her girlfriends, I would seriously question this, but this is coming from guys I know who don't really give a **** one way or the other.


On top of all this, she knows I party and she's okay with it, but refuses to do it herself. I don't know if that helps the perspective or not.


So I'm at a clean party a couple weeks ago, and she comes up behind me and starts playing with my hair. Having had a pissy day because my friends had been teasing me and asking me if I like her, and also feeling cocky because I had just come into some money, I shooed her away. Dick move.


Now, she's dating this guy. She's always flashing around pictures of him. One person says she's doing it to make me jealous, and that it's working, the proof being that I brought it up. The truth is that I'm not jealous or angry at this guy at all, I'd like to say I know that because I've experienced it before, but because of this hook-up, my confidence is totally crushed and I can't ask her out because:

A) She's got a boyfriend and I respect that.

2) I have no guts now. I'm very conserved when it comes to dating and I don't like to ask a chick out without being about 90% sure I've got a chance.


So, is this all in my head? Does she like me? No? Am I in some sort of denial? Call it how you see it, just please help me before I go nuts.


How's that for typical high school drama?

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Here's how I see it. She DID like you. I'm glad you admit that you made a baddd move at the party when she was messing with your hair. The hair thing, that usually is a girls way of teasing but making it clear that she does ( or in your case ) in fact did like you. But because you turned on her she got the impression that you didn't like her and has eventually moved on. Maybe her showing pictures of her new beau is only to make you jealous that you let a good thing go by, who knows. Maybe you should tell her how you feel, appologize about the night at the party, and ask her if she still feels anything for you, or ever has. If she did have a thing for you at least you will know and maybe if she is single again you can go in for the kill.

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What's In A Name

Thanks for putting the situation in perspective... so I'm just gonna let this one go. I'm inexperienced with relationships and am for of a friends-with-benefits, casual sorta guy. I didn't know what to expect. I've decided not to potentially damage her new relationship by asking awkward questions. At least I know not to make the same mistake twice.

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