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Shes moving on

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Hey my girl and I have been together for 2 years now and our relationship has had its ups and downs,but now i have a big problem.Next year she hopes to start a degree and im all for that and hope she does it ,the problem is the university she has to go to is over 1000 km away.She seems to be avoiding the issue that this will put a strain on our relationship,but she wont let me do anything to help (ie move to the town she will be in ).She seems to think we will be on and off as and when we see each other.I know shes been with other guys while we have been going out ,and know she will see more while im away from her .Its like our relationship is nothing to her and im just a sure thing when ever shes in town. But i love her ,more than words, and i never want to let her go.But the feelings arent shared.


So what do i do about this girl !!!


Thanks for any help Cam

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Hey my girl and I have been together for 2 years now and our relationship has had its ups and downs,but now i have a big problem.Next year she hopes to start a degree and im all for that and hope she does it ,the problem is the university she has to go to is over 1000 km away.She seems to be avoiding the issue that this will put a strain on our relationship,but she wont let me do anything to help (ie move to the town she will be in ).She seems to think we will be on and off as and when we see each other.I know shes been with other guys while we have been going out ,and know she will see more while im away from her .Its like our relationship is nothing to her and im just a sure thing when ever shes in town. But i love her ,more than words, and i never want to let her go.But the feelings arent shared. So what do i do about this girl !!! Thanks for any help Cam

Iwish that i could tell you something that would help you make it through but i can'tbecause i'mgoing through a similar problem. but i can say, there are so many things in life that will come along that will hurt you that you can't prevent getting hurt from a relationship is something that you can stop.

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Totally Confused
Hey my girl and I have been together for 2 years now and our relationship has had its ups and downs,but now i have a big problem.Next year she hopes to start a degree and im all for that and hope she does it ,the problem is the university she has to go to is over 1000 km away.She seems to be avoiding the issue that this will put a strain on our relationship,but she wont let me do anything to help (ie move to the town she will be in ).She seems to think we will be on and off as and when we see each other.I know shes been with other guys while we have been going out ,and know she will see more while im away from her .Its like our relationship is nothing to her and im just a sure thing when ever shes in town. But i love her ,more than words, and i never want to let her go.But the feelings arent shared. So what do i do about this girl !!! Thanks for any help Cam

O:K. You guys have been together 2 yrs and by the time she leaves, maybe 3. It's hard to move away from the one you are in love with. After college I had a 2 yr long distance relationshiip with my boyfriend, it stunk. The thing you have to realize is that she is 17/18 and you are (i'm assuming) the same age. It's hard for you to see, but there are other things out there that go past your front door. Don't think that the relationship means nothing to her, cause that's not true. she's just annoyed with you right now and confused, because she does like you, but you're scaring her with your talk of moving to be closer to her. It's scary, she probably want to experience life - don't take that away from her. You've got to relax and back off, cause that will turn her right off. If you play it cool and understand her, that's a turn on. Stop bringing up, "When you leave next year", you're going to sound whiny and you'll bore her. Your gf is not a bad person for wanting to see other people,to want to grow or to live her life. if you love her, you're going to have to let her. by you moving near her school next year, you're preventing her from doing that and she'll resent you and hate you for holding her back and she'll break up with you. she'll appreciate you in the end, believe me, if you let her go and get all the experience she can get, so that one day she'll want to settle down. you should also do the same thing in the meantime. she's probably your first love (yes? No?) if she is, you have to follow your path to where it leads, and you may not believe this, but you will love others and maybe even be more compatable with someone else, can you believe it, after all there are 6 billion people in the world and they say everyone has a twin. We meet people along our journey who are at the same point and experiencing similar things that we are. If you and your GF are meant to be, it's going to be. welcome her experiences, because one day, they may end up making you two closer. her experience with other men may also make her realize, how much she loves and appreciates you. If it's fated to happen, it's going to happen good or bad and there's nothing you can do to change it. You never know what the future holds. you two infact could end up together in the end. i've seen it happen so many times. people date in highschool, they go off to college break-up, date other people and then at a highschool reunion or at a highschool get together party, they end up meeting again - and now they are older, wiser, more experienced and ready to settledown, and end up marrying each other. Relax, enjoy your youth and freedom, it goes quickly. Before you know it, you'll be walking down the isle. Let me know how things turn out.

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Sometimes women act like they don't care that much about a guy because they don't want to get hurt. Tell her exactly how you feel about her. Tell her you will support whatever decision she makes. Make it clear what your intentions are. If things were meant to be, she'll see that you are serious and begin to give in, a little at a time.

Hey my girl and I have been together for 2 years now and our relationship has had its ups and downs,but now i have a big problem.Next year she hopes to start a degree and im all for that and hope she does it ,the problem is the university she has to go to is over 1000 km away.She seems to be avoiding the issue that this will put a strain on our relationship,but she wont let me do anything to help (ie move to the town she will be in ).She seems to think we will be on and off as and when we see each other.I know shes been with other guys while we have been going out ,and know she will see more while im away from her .Its like our relationship is nothing to her and im just a sure thing when ever shes in town. But i love her ,more than words, and i never want to let her go.But the feelings arent shared. So what do i do about this girl !!! Thanks for any help Cam
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