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What to make of this?

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I am friends with a couple who live together but are not married. I have been friends with him for around 6 years and was an acquaintance with her until we graduated from high school 5 years ago. I started talking with her again after they started going out around 4 years ago.They happen to have two kids, the youngest is his, the older is not. The other day I was over the house as usual to help watch the kids. While in the kitchen helping make dinner she (my friend) inexpediently spun me around and kissed me on the lips for about 3 seconds. I then asked her what that was about. She said she couldn't explain why she did it. The day after I did it to her for about 6 seconds and she didn't push me off or anything like that. She knows I like her and even have flirted with her on many occasions. I just don't know what to make of this and am getting mixed signals. I know on a few occasions he said he wished he stayed single, and even mentioned it to her on a couple of occasions.

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Well, you didn't really ask a question.


The way I understand your post, the mother of the child of your friend of 6 years (who lives with him), kissed you. You kissed her back the next day. Your friend's girlfriend obviously wants you. Is there a question?


If you are looking for advice, don't do that again, and don't let it go any further. Screwing your friend's live-in girlfriends is a really bad thing to do, and is even worse IMO if there are children who will be affected.


I am assuming this was all done without the consent of your friend, and that he doesn't know his live-in girlfriend who he has kids with is letting you know she wants you. If he does know, and is ok with it, different strokes I suppose.:p

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well if they arent meant to be they shouldnt stay together for the kids, but sounds like you guys need to figure out what the hell you are doing, for this isnt right to continue like this, chic needs to break it off with her bf first. she needs to break up with him!!!!!!!!! thats it. she needs to tell her bf that she wants to move on, cuz not and playing her bf, well then when they do break up that will leave the father of her children in a real bad place, and that would suck for the kids. honesty might hurt him now, but dishonesty will **** him up, be fair to the dude that he can go kiss someone new, she needs to let him go!!!!!! tell her go tell her, if you dont break it off with him i am not going to come around here. you know what i am getting at here?

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