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i have been in a long distance relationship since i was 14. i am now 19 and i am still in the same relationship. however we did break up one time for seven month with no communication at all. however we've been back together for a year and a few months and for the past year he's being lying to me about almost eveything, well i think he's lying.he always get on the defense when i ask him something out of plain curiosity. when we got back together about six month later we started having sex. it was my first time and he said it was his but i really don't know what to believe cause he lies so much. we are both in college, and in two different states. this wouldn't be a problem if we taked as much as we use to but we don't.suddenly he never has the time. i try really hard not to pressure him to do much of anything but come on, you got to give a little. i really feel like i am being taken advantage of but i'm not sure. this is my one and only boyfriend and i don't know too much about thins thing called love. i'm so confused and i don't know what to do. there's so much more to this story but i just don't have the strength to go through it all.please help me.i try to trust him but every time i try to give him another chance to make it right he doesn't ijust don't think he cares anymore. but why? is it because i finally gave in and had sex with him? or is it someone else? i don't know what to think. how can someonejust stop wanting to be with you but not have the courage to tell you maybe i'm wrong.i don'tknow.i just need help

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i have been in a long distance relationship since i was 14. i am now 19 and i am still in the same relationship. however we did break up one time for seven month with no communication at all. however we've been back together for a year and a few months and for the past year he's being lying to me about almost eveything, well i think he's lying.he always get on the defense when i ask him something out of plain curiosity. when we got back together about six month later we started having sex. it was my first time and he said it was his but i really don't know what to believe cause he lies so much. we are both in college, and in two different states. this wouldn't be a problem if we taked as much as we use to but we don't.suddenly he never has the time. i try really hard not to pressure him to do much of anything but come on, you got to give a little. i really feel like i am being taken advantage of but i'm not sure. this is my one and only boyfriend and i don't know too much about thins thing called love. i'm so confused and i don't know what to do. there's so much more to this story but i just don't have the strength to go through it all.please help me.i try to trust him but every time i try to give him another chance to make it right he doesn't ijust don't think he cares anymore. but why? is it because i finally gave in and had sex with him? or is it someone else? i don't know what to think. how can someonejust stop wanting to be with you but not have the courage to tell you maybe i'm wrong.i don'tknow.i just need help
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i have been in a long distance relationship since i was 14. i am now 19 and i am still in the same relationship. however we did break up one time for seven month with no communication at all. however we've been back together for a year and a few months and for the past year he's being lying to me about almost eveything, well i think he's lying.he always get on the defense when i ask him something out of plain curiosity. when we got back together about six month later we started having sex. it was my first time and he said it was his but i really don't know what to believe cause he lies so much. we are both in college, and in two different states. this wouldn't be a problem if we taked as much as we use to but we don't.suddenly he never has the time. i try really hard not to pressure him to do much of anything but come on, you got to give a little. i really feel like i am being taken advantage of but i'm not sure. this is my one and only boyfriend and i don't know too much about thins thing called love. i'm so confused and i don't know what to do. there's so much more to this story but i just don't have the strength to go through it all.please help me.i try to trust him but every time i try to give him another chance to make it right he doesn't ijust don't think he cares anymore. but why? is it because i finally gave in and had sex with him? or is it someone else? i don't know what to think. how can someonejust stop wanting to be with you but not have the courage to tell you maybe i'm wrong.i don'tknow.i just need help

honey.... having a few years under my belt I would suggest that you drop this guy like a rock!! If you cannot trust him then there is not much hope for a long term relationship. Its been my experience that trust is the number one requirement for a relationship... without that you have nothing... these types of things are difficult to deal with on your own... if you can afford one try a local therapist or counselor to help you with this... if cant afford try a church counseler....


I have been in a couple of relationships where trust was a problem and it always killed the relationship... once trust is breach whether it is real or imaginary... for me it always killed the relationship.... good luck to you! God Bless

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My neighbor (who incidentally everyone here might know I had a little fling with him...ack) had the same problem in reverse with his now ex. She all of a sudden became distant and avoided calling him and/or speaking with him at all.


It was easier for him because she lives right down the street from us, but one day he saw her walking down the street and cornered her, asking her why she was acting the way she was acting.


She had apparently only ever had one relationship in her life that had ended on her boyfriend's part. She said she wasn't as interested in him as she previously thought, and although she still wanted to date him, she also wanted to see other people. He was relieved to finally understand why she was acting the way she was acting. She said she didn't really know how to tell him all these things because she had no other relationship experience, and didn't really know how to handle the situation. I'm thinking the same thing may be applicable here, but I don't know. Try asking him outright if he wants to see other people. You might not like the answer,but at least you'll know...

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