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Hello everyone,


Need some advice or maybe just someone to lift up my spririts !


Here goes....


Was out at a fancy hotel pub with a mate of mine the other day.


It so happened that there was a Prom or something of the sort and there were like Zillions of 21 year old females there !


Now i am ok looking and my mate whom ive never been out with in my opinion is just OK looking 2.However hes like 6'5 and built like an TANK as he was with the Army....


Now.....i could see every other chick checking him out and looking at him DESPERATELY (something i thought chicks never do) and he could have had anyone of them.


I never saw one chick looking at me the entire time and was so DISHEARTENED.


Anyway i went to the bathroom and by the time i got back he was chatting up 2 chicks (8s in my opinion) and he introduced me but they behaved as though i didnt exist :-(


Anyways i could tell he was going 2 get lucky so i decide 2 leave so that id give him the space.


He ended up spending the night in the hotel with one of the girls and the WEIRDEST part is the next day the other girl came back 2 the hotel and spent the day with him....So he got both of them.


What i cant fig out is FAIR ENOUGH he has a cool body but apart from that is just average looks wise so how come he got all the attention ?


Is it possible not one chick out of 200 (i guess) would even check me out ?




He got 2 chicks 2 have FUN with and i didnt even see one chick checking me out let alone anything else :-(




I thought i was confident but now i feel WEAK and USELESS all of a sudden....


Any advice....Please throw some at me

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Is it possible not one chick out of 200 (i guess) would even check me out ?


Unlikely. You were probably too busy checking out the girls who were checking out your friend to notice....


Any advice....Please throw some at me


Think about how drink and drugs can shift a person's perception and make them more confident. It's possible to meditate yourself into that state without using any illicit/harmful substances. Practice it, get your attitude back - and remember that a flashing someone a warm smile is one of the most attractive things you can ever do.

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Dude.....women can smell the lack of confidence oozing out of you. Without evening noticing it you probably appeared shy and insecure. Women just don't notice you in a crowd when you get like that. I wouldn't worry about it. Even guys that get girls throwing themselves at them have bad nights. Nobody bats a perfect score. Also....you may not even be aware of it but I'm sure that there has been a night in your past when a girl or girls were paying a lot of attention to you and ignoring some other guy in the corner.....should he feel like you are the almight chick magnet?


Just chalk it up as a bad night and their loss and get back out there. Have a little fun and try not to think about it so much. Whever this happened to me I just made myself go right back out the next weekend and I faked it until I felt better and my confidence returned....and so did the women.

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