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PLS : the guy that i love for two yrs and his long term relationship girlfriend


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well let me first off say that i am so glad to find this site! i am a newcomer and i hope that you guys can help me out here.


YEAR 2003... there's this guy that i like for two years, as of now and counting. from the very beginning starting in middle school, it was hate-and-love relationship. in 7th grade, we didn't get along well- as in to the point where we would taunt and call each other negative names. honestly, even though he was very good looking that a lot of girls liked him, i hated the relation we had :mad:


YEAR 2004... 8th grade changed everything- the way we treat eachother, see eachother, and last...felt about eachother.:love: we started to have conversations and messed around playfully. sometimes, help each other in school. it really changed the way i viewed him. he was more than i ever thought of before. from there, i had to conclude that i really, REALLY LIKED THIS GUY. we became close indeed. at one point, he inspired me with the soccer to keep going because i was soooo close to giving up. i've been playing soccer for almost half my life at that time. and since he's a soccer player himself, he said to me something that meant so much. from there, i helped my school's soccer team win their first game despite the fact that we were on a loosing streak. in the end, athletically and academically, i became the school's girls soccer MVP and 4.0 student. but the one problem that kept me questioning is...does he feel the same way that i do for him? in the most unhappy ending, we found out one year later that we actually liked each other--despite all the dubious thoughts we were afraid and shy to admit.


YEAR 2006(feb)... we became sophmores. i play for my high school girl's soccer jv team. after two long years of abscence, we became reconnected. how? because i played against his high school's girls soccer team and he was there to watch me. and with a big smile on my face that practically made my heart skip a beat...i made a goal in front of him. it was the happiest moment of my life! the day after, i managed to get his number by a friend that knows him and the same, he got my number. he called me and the conversation went on...to the point where i blurted my feelings for him that i held onto for two years. but he has come to conclude that he has a g/f. at that, it was 9 months. the thing is...they don't go to the same h.s. yet she comes to his house, visit, and etc. honestly, it made my heart stopped. that was the negative part. but the MOST SUPRISING PART is that he complimented me saying, "you look hot when i saw you play...as in pretty hot." etc etc etc.


NOW THE BIG PROBLEM... through myspace these days, his gf found me and sent me an email about oh she's his g/f and etc.:confused: i didn't add her as a friend since she tried to. from my friend, she got an email from him saying that this g/f is very controlling. they had some problems but he doesn't seem to realize what she's doing. and all she tells him is I LOVE YOU and cries about it and etc. my friend reported that she would take his cell phone and delete all the girls numbers...INCLUDING MINE...and it was the thrid time giving him my number. at one point, my friend said that when he's with girls just to say hi and talk to me...she would crack and get jealous. but on her part...she goes BEYOND! flirting with a guy and etc. just recently in my soccer game, i saw her. she saw me. my coach's brother told me, since she and him were talking, that if she and her man were done, i would be available and we would hook up...in an angry way. i swear...she looked at me from head to toe...and watched me play. my teammates even saw her looking at me.




another friend of mine hinted him of what she said about me. he called me three times and emailed me wanting to know...and i didn't respond back. according to my friend, he didn't answer her 36 phone calls. in addition, he's been emailing my friend saying he really wants to talk to me...and is very desperate...and if i don't respond, might as well see me in person. and he told my friend, "there are times that i think that my friendship with her *as in me* is better of than my g/f." lastly he stated, "she *as in me* is one of the closest people that i truly care...".




THE BIG QUESTION: after all the years we've been through, the abscence, and now the reconnection...WHAT SHOULD I DO? do you think what his girlfriend is doing is right by controlling? also...was it right for her what she said about me? it was insulting on my part. PLEASE HELP ME IN DETAILS...it's been bothering me forever...and it's about to go 3 LONG YEARS.


i really like...no love and care for this guy a lot...as a friend and someone special. it's not fair that their relationship together is a year and some months... he denies what she's doing to him and doesn't see something in me. plus, she gets away with it no, we haven't been talking despite the jealousy his g/f has. he even admitted to me she was the one we're not talking to each other.




last but not least...DO I HAVE A CHANCE WITH HIM?

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PLS HELP ME...this has been haunting for so long that i don't know what to do. i don't want to hurt his feelings or 'cause something for us to tear us apart. and not to mention...hurt myself mentally and physically as well.

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Relax. The good news is you're both young. Eventually this guy will realize that his controlling gf is bad for him. Chances are that their relationship won't last forever. But don't interfere. You could end up coming out looking like the "bad guy" in his eyes if he really loves her. It's his choice to stay with her. She may be a jealous beotch, but she can't force him.


Don't tarnish the image he has of you by involving yourself in any drama with her. Keep in contact when it's appropriate and in time you two could end up together. Until then, just move on and live your life.

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