surrealrain Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 [sIZE=2]Me and my boyfriend dated for a little over a year. The last few months have been very tough. There has been a lot of fighting because of me being too controlling, although we did still have some very good times too. The 7th of this month he told me he had a surprise for me, and we went out and had the most amazing date ever. Then on the way back we got into a conversation about how he was feeling (during the few months of fighting he told me he wasn’t sure if he loved me anymore, that he knew he cared a lot about me, but wasn’t sure if he “loved” me, and also that he kinda wanted to be single so he would have freedom). So I broke up with him that night, I told him that I couldn’t wait around for him to figure it out. After he took me home he called me crying. He told me that he’s sorry for the way he feels, and it scares him to, and that he doesn’t want to be without me. So we go the rest of the weekend without talking, but he sends me an email Monday telling me he misses me, and asking how I was doing. I told him I just wanted to move on, and asked if it would be okay for me to go pick up my stuff. So I go to his house that evening to get my stuff, and he walked me out to my car, and gave me a hug, then he said that he is going to miss me, and that he doesn’t want it to end. I told him I didn’t want it to either, but I don’t want to keep waiting for him. We both cried and hugged each other, then he told me that he wanted to work it out. So we spend the evening talking, and decided to start again, and take things slow. We both cared enough about each other to want to try and make it through the rough time. I told him I would get better about the controlling thing. [/sIZE] [sIZE=2]Things were great the next few days. We got along better than we ever had, and he told me how much I meant to him. We even made plans for a future trip we had been talking about. We both believed that we could make it work. Then the 12th he called me that night and told me he wanted to breakup. I asked him to come get me so we can talk about it. I couldn’t understand what happened in one day to make him change his mind. He said that it was because he had to do some stuff after work, and that he spent the whole time dreading going home, and calling me because he knew I would get mad at him. I was crying while he broke up with me, and he tried comforting me. He had tears in his eyes too. When he took me home I told him he can now have all the freedom he wants. After a week and half he still hadn’t called me. So Sunday night I called him to tell him that I switched phone companies and had to get a new number. [/sIZE] [sIZE=2]We talked for about an hour an half, he told me that he really does miss me, but he’s happier now that he can hang out with his family and friends more, and a lot less stressed. He was telling me about his mom trying to hook him up with a girl she goes to church with (his mom was trying to get him to date her the whole time we were together), he said that he doesn’t want to date anyone, and that if he did want a relationship, it would be with me. He hasn’t called me back yet. I am so hurt. I can understand him going through a phase where he wants to be single (I’m still in college and last year I went through the same thing, I got a job as a waitress and had so many guys asking me out for a few months I wish I was single, but I’m not the type of person that could walk away from someone). He is 22, and dated the same girl throughout high school and college, then he began dating me. So I can understand why he would want to be single, but I can’t understand why he would actually throw away such a long relationship. He even told me when he broke up with me that he knows he will regret it, but he just needs freedom now. Him and his ex were constantly on and off, sometimes for months at a time. He said it would be about a month or so before he would start missing her.[/sIZE] [sIZE=2]I will admit that I am controlling. I do get upset when he hangs out with friends. I really try not to be, but I’ve always been a loner, and outside my family I only have one friend but him. She is the girl I grew up with, but she now lives an hour away, so I don’t get a chance to see her much. And I do have a hard time understanding why people always feel they have to hang out with friends. Because of the hermit in me, I’ve only been emotionally close to a few people in my life, and he was one of them. I miss him so much, I don’t know if I should go to him and talk face to face, or give him time. If it was a bad breakup, or if there was really no hope left, then I would just walk away, but me and him even talked about how much we wanted it to work. [/sIZE] [sIZE=2]And you all will just have to believe me when I tell you that he wasn’t saying that stuff to make the breakup easier. Anyways I’m just afraid if I give him space he will move on, but if I don’t then I will smother him. And I need for him to miss me. But how long should I wait? He even said before we hung up that he’s sure he will be getting in touch with me. [/sIZE] [sIZE=2][/sIZE] Link to post Share on other sites
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