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My b/f had cake and coffee at the house with the family for a little occassion..we spoke at 10 something pm and then we usually talk before bed..so he calls mat 1:30 even though he wasnt going directly to bed, he was sorting laundry etc...he didnt sound tired but he said he would be in bed probably by like 2:15 am or so....we get off the phone..he didnt sound tired..today he said he was up half the night probably til 5 am ..the coffee somehow kept him up and it usually doesnt it...anyway--i just need someone to tell me i am being paranoid b/c of my suspicions--oh he was up half the night, he met up with some girl...he said he doesnt even know what he was doing--like he said he shaved etc and just didnt even feel like laying down.

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also--he is busy this week doing something for his family member at the house--yesterday he said so are you gonna come over and watch and said what am i gonna do there? and he said eat and what not


Then today i mention so are we doing something tonight and he said well it would have to be when he is done at 9:30 or 10--and i said well what if i came to ur house(where his family is) and he said he forgot about that and that it didnt look like i was going to want to do that...and then he said well let me see what happens b/c his brother has someone helping him so maybe he would done earlier where he can just pick me up...does it sound like now he doesnt want me to come over there--maybe he went out and his mother heard his car(its loud) and maybe he said he was going to see me or something and doesnt want anything to slip out if i come by there tonight..tell me if i am being too suspicious which i probably am but this is what i thought

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You really enjoy living life being suspicious all the time? Because it's not healthy and you will lose the guy if you don't cut it out.

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