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[FONT=Times New Roman][sIZE=3]I have a couple of problems. I have been with this girl for awhile now. She looks like she has been with a BIG guy and I m not so much. She goes crazy when I stick a lot of fingers in her. Does she wish I had more? Does she think of him when she mastu.? Why can’t I stop thinking of her getting pounded by a big guy?[/sIZE][/FONT]

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Bring it up to her attention. And see what she says. And if size is all that matters, sooner or later she's going to be looking for that. Remember, a relationship is not soley based on your manhood...There's more involved...

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First, you should not assume that she has been with a big guy. I think you might do better to sell yourself a different story - like she has masterbated a lot with huge vegetables or she used to fist herself when she masterbated, or she was simply born with a loose one. This suggestion works for me as my GF has a lot more space down there than typical (and I'd rather not ask how that came about).


Next, if she actually wants more down there then use your fingers in addition sometimes. Sex toys in addition are also an option. At the end of the day as long as she is getting off and you are getting off - it doesn't matter about size. They don't care about size, its about how great you make them feel.

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As a girl, and as a girl who has a bf with an average size penis, IT IS NO BIG DEAL!!


Really, my bf says all the time he wishes he was bigger, and sure, I wish I had bigger tits, but I'm content with them, just the same as I'm content with the size of his wang. It's not massive, but it's not small either. I've seen smaller, and I've seen some that probably couldn't pleasure a bird. I'm sure you're not in that category...You're not are you??


I know for a fact that I too go crazy when he puts more fingers in me, it does feel good, but that doesn't mean that any type of fondling down there doesn't. If you're worried about the whole size thing, maybe focus on her clit. When you're fingering her, stop and pay more attention to that. She may just enjoy that EVEN MORE.


Really, just as john said, as long as you're getting us off, we don't really care how you do it.


But anyway, sex is just like chocolate...white, brown or dark, it's ALL good.!!!

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