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When is a lie really a lie?

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Recently I ran into a situation where my g/f told me a lie on the spot, probably to get past an awkward moment, which I thought (okay, knew) was a lie and called her on it. Within the next 90 seconds or so, and probably some body language on my part plus the fact that I'd just called her on it, she admitted was a lie, and said she didn't want to lie to me.


I haven't decided how big an issue it is or how much magnitude the lie was, but to my way of thinking, I believe she would have left the lie where it was if she thought she could get away with it.


How many of you would give a pass to a falsehood that gets corrected pretty quickly thereafter?

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it depends on the lie... and why the person thought they HAD to lie to me.

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Depends what it was about and past history. If she has a habit of lying, and you've had talks about it, but she still did it..its bad. Also, if she "didnt want to lie" why did she?

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..well..i would let it pass if i knew s/he was lying...about something unimportant...if the lie was huge, of course, i'd call him/her out on it...if they didn't admit it after a while...

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I think it's worse to be lied to over something small.


If someone's willing to lie about the small stuff, do you think they'll think twice to lie about the really big stuff?

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I was informed last night:


When lies are told it's because they/you are living a lie.


Doesn't matter if you are the one lying or you were lied too.

The situation is a lie otherwise telling lies wouldn't need to be in the mix..


I you were lied too its because you ignored warning signs that your situation with that person is a lie.


So to me it would seem if the lie is big or could have been damaging then there is a bigger situation at hand.

If its a small lie then find out what is creating the little white lies and get the situation changed before it gets bigger.

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I was informed last night:


When lies are told it's because they/you are living a lie.


Doesn't matter if you are the one lying or you were lied too.

The situation is a lie otherwise telling lies wouldn't need to be in the mix..


I you were lied too its because you ignored warning signs that your situation with that person is a lie.


So to me it would seem if the lie is big or could have been damaging then there is a bigger situation at hand.

If its a small lie then find out what is creating the little white lies and get the situation changed before it gets bigger.

OH GOD! I'm living a lie! I told a kid about the tooth fairy!


But seriously folks; What was the motivation for the lie? If a lady ask me "Do I look fat in these?" and I answer with a little white lie, am I evil? There's a difference between that and l saying "of course I love you" just to get a woman in bed, or "you're the only one for me" when you know better. And actually, if you went to a little kid and told him/her "There's no Easter Bunny!" I'd call that evil.

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It really depends so much on the context. IMO, there isn't a blanket answer that will be of any use.


That said, a lie of any nature is, by definition, an erosion of trust.


Personally, if the lie was of no real consequence then I'd just let it slide and forget about it. Again, it really depends on the reasons that she lied in the first place, and the nature of the indiscretion.

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Last week I lied and told my bf that my mom asked me to come over, when in reality she hadn't. I just hadn't wanted to go into detail about why I wanted to go, so I lied about the reasoning.


Then I lied to a lady I've never met. Told her my car was broken and I couldn't get a ride. All because I didn't want to drive 3 hours for this stupid class in which I don't get any reimbursement for mileage from.


Then I lied to my brother and told him I didn't have $20 for him to borrow. Even though I did.


Then I lied to my instructor and told him I didn't make the drive because my car got a flat.


Geez... that was only in the last week really. I could go on.


People lie to save face, to save others feelings, to avoid responsibility and to avoid confrontation. (assuming they aren't pathological liars) Why do you think your gf lied? Then decide if it was heinous enough to convict her on it.

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Recently I ran into a situation where my g/f told me a lie on the spot, probably to get past an awkward moment, which I thought (okay, knew) was a lie and called her on it. Within the next 90 seconds or so, and probably some body language on my part plus the fact that I'd just called her on it, she admitted was a lie, and said she didn't want to lie to me.


I haven't decided how big an issue it is or how much magnitude the lie was, but to my way of thinking, I believe she would have left the lie where it was if she thought she could get away with it.


How many of you would give a pass to a falsehood that gets corrected pretty quickly thereafter?


So you've never told a lie which you regreted?

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