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i dont know

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T his girl she was my friend then in the past year we were bestfriends we talked on the phone for a long time each day. Then it turned out that I really like her. When I ask her who she likes or who she tought was nice looking she says I Dont know or tries to change the subject. What does it mean.

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Hate to tell you this, but I think that she has an idea of what you're feeling towards her. The fact that she avoids the question might mean that she is not comfortable with it... Maybe either

A) She doesn't like you the way you do.

B) She's unsure of what you're talking about...


My advise to you is:

If you feel that your friendship is strong enough, be straight up with her. If she likes you the way you like her, all the power to you guys. If not, she might be uncomfortable with you for some time, but I'm sure she'll get over it. At least you'll know, right? If you feel that strongly for her, then I can just imagine how hard it is for you to express your feelings...but you know what? there's nothing worse than being left in the dark.

Good luck to you.

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Hate to tell you this, but I think that she has an idea of what you're feeling towards her. The fact that she avoids the question might mean that she is not comfortable with it... Maybe either

A) She doesn't like you the way you do.

B) She's unsure of what you're talking about...


My advise to you is:

If you feel that your friendship is strong enough, be straight up with her. If she likes you the way you like her, all the power to you guys. If not, she might be uncomfortable with you for some time, but I'm sure she'll get over it. At least you'll know, right? If you feel that strongly for her, then I can just imagine how hard it is for you to express your feelings...but you know what? there's nothing worse than being left in the dark.

Good luck to you.


But I dont show it in any way. Actually when I dont have a copy paper in school she allways helps me and thats unique cause the other people dont care. I dont flirt or anything to her. Im just myself. We have nice conversations. Shes a open minded person so if she knows I like her then she will tell me if its true.

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