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It's done. It's over. NC is in effect. I'm already feeling uneasy.

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Yeah, Pada! (I have wireless here! Oh what blessings abound.) You're doing really well. I know it's not easy and that many people in your current life may not be able to understand, let alone support, what you're doing.


But the important person who needs to get you and the person who needs to be into you is YOU.


Good for you for mourning what you'll miss, including the illusions and the genuinely good stuff.



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Yeah, Pada! (I have wireless here! Oh what blessings abound.) You're doing really well. I know it's not easy and that many people in your current life may not be able to understand, let alone support, what you're doing.


But the important person who needs to get you and the person who needs to be into you is YOU.


Good for you for mourning what you'll miss, including the illusions and the genuinely good stuff.



Thanks Becoming.. Those 2 hours were kinda hard.. But I DID get trough them.

I'm glad you will be able to keep in touch with LS on your vacation. Don't ruin your vacation by feeding the LS addiction now or it won't be a vacation.

Today has been a challenge for other reasons but other then that it's a good day in regards to the NC situation.

I got my call backs from my gfs late last night. They both apoligized for not being able to get to me sooner. One was still working (I didn't know) and the other one was sleeping. (her bf gave her the message when she woke up.)

The one who was sleeping knows exactly the struggle of staying away from someone who is unhealthy. She hasn't been able to do it yet. Maybe if I can concur it I can set an example for her!?

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