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I think im in love and i want to be w/ him...long story read if ur intrested ;)

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Hi well my problem is, is that I think im in love with a guy whos been a very good friend for a very long time. And i want to be with him forever, I want to kiss him,I want to hold him, I really do think I love him, because there is not a day that goes by that I dont think about him, and I kno its really pathetic but I cant help it. :love:


And now the worst part is, is that he just broke up with his gf *which I helped him get together with if I might add, very painful* but hes all the way in NY and im stuck all the way here in LA and i miss him so much. :o


But i know that i dont have any chance with him watsoever because he dosent seem intrested at all:(


I mean in the beginning of our friendship it seemed like he did, cause he was always flirting nonstop and always being charming, and thats wat made me click and start liking him, but once I started doing the flirting and the charm in return he completly didnt acknoledge it. He was even mean about it too. And he would start paying attention to other girls and...and it just seemed like he didnt care anymore at all.:mad:

For example, every morning in homeroom we would sit together but now when i came in he was sitting and talking with my best friend. It was like he knew that I liked him and was trying to tell me that I didnt have a chance.


I had seen this happen before to my best friend who used to like him. He would flirt, she would start to like him and thought she had a chance , and so one morning she came up to him and told him that she liked him and he told her she was crazy to even think she had a chance and walked away. :bunny:


My friend was broken hearted

and he didnt give a ****

He was a complete and total FLIRT:eek:


I kno, I kno ur probably thinking, what the hell are you doing wasting your heart over this jerk right?


Well let me tell you, when i started noticing this sudden change of personality he had towards me , I saw wat had happened to my friend and this time I actually said something about it. So I asked him why he was being an ass, and he told me that he was moving to New york and he was going to miss me more than anyone else and just didnt want to get to close on his last days that he was here.

It was a weird gesture but I understood, he even sent me a card made out of carmal cubes saying Im sorry, my favorite candy :love:


It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me, and i knew him so well that I could tell if he wasnt lying and that he meant it.


Neways now hes in New york and finally broken up w/ his gf, but i cant get him cause im all the way over here and trust me I REALLY CANT JUST FORGET ABOUT HIM, ive tried, but he will always be in my heart.


I really do think I love him and I know i cant see him ever again :mad:


Ughh i hate my self for wanting things i cant have and ive caused so much pain over this stupid guy and ugghh i just hate it soo much


ok im done now glad i got it off my chest


if anybody has something theyd like to say please do so cause i really need some advice :(:(


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if u didnt read all of it , thank you for atleast opening it :D

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Man, I've only been on this site for about 30 minutes and some of the stories here are killing me. I understand your pain. It always seems that we gravitate towards the one person who will never love us back the way we want. All I can say hon' is that if he loved you, he would've stayed close. Us guys will always stay close to that one we like. No matter what. Like I said to someone else, just start doing things and going places you like to go and eventually, I believe anyway, someone who is on that same path will bump into you. Believe me, finding someone who has the same likes is much better than that opposites attract crap. I've gone through 15 years of suffering from that. You sound like a sweet person. Don't let this ruin you for someone who would really like to be with you.

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I agree with TJettman.


This seems like a very hard experience to be going through, but don't let it disillusion you away from other good potential relationships that might come your way.


If you care about him, and don't want him completely out of your life, keep in touch with him via messengers, e-mails or phone calls. But only do this if you think that it won't prevent you from getting over him.


Hang in there.

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I don't know what it is that makes people want people that they can't have all the more than people that they can have. It must be something to do with having to chase or fight for something to make it seem all the more romantic and worthwhile. A lot of people do this, myself included. I think you need to improve your vision of yourself and think that if a guy is worth it, he would be near you and not want to leave, or make it hard for you to be with him. You do need to get meeting new guys and forget this guy to move on.

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I guess the best way for this is to find other ways to busy urself up and mingle with lots of people so that u stop thinkin about him that much. Preoccupy yourself with things that interest you so ur helping urself at the same time.


If he's the right guy for you, he'll say what he has to say.


I usually end up on that situation as well and its very hard thinking crazily about someone who doesn't appreciate u or has his eyes to someone else and diverting ur energy is a good way to make things easier for you.


thats all

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