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Sign of cheating or too suspicious?

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Ok--i dont see my b/f every night--like every few days...so when we do sleep with one another--the first time is usually quick--i get b.c he hasnt had it in a few days..then it gets longer the 2nd time..last night, it lasted longer than usual the first time and it got me thinking--did he cheat or sleep with someone else? am i being paranoid? we haven't seen each other in a few days and that is usual the pattern--that its quick the first time, but this time not so much---should i be worried that he has something on the side?

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Is he displaying other signs that there might be cheating going on? Wheather he is going quick or lasting a litle longer doesn't mean he is cheating.






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Is he displaying other signs that there might be cheating going on? Wheather he is going quick or lasting a litle longer doesn't mean he is cheating.







He could have spanked the monkey before you arrived. Unless other things are "coming up" with red flags I would not sweat it.

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well the only time i could think he can do that is in the morning--would anyone else be suspicious of this or just not think twice about it?

Its so hard to judge red flags--like if he is busy one night..does that mean he is busy with someone else and lying...if he doesnt answer the phone and calls back an hour later saying he was busy--does that mean he was cheating?

Things on a daily basis can happen and it may very well be true and legitimate but i find it hard to judge if its a lie and if this means something is up.

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Have you been cheated on before in past relationships and thats why you are paranoid about your current b/f cheating? Honestly, from what you have described it doesn't sound like thats whats going on.

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I second JackJack's questions?


From what you posted, I wouldn't have a second thought as to his commitment to the relationship. I'd assume he had other things on his mind, or had maybe masturbated earlier that day if he didn't come as quickly as normal.


What makes you question his commitment?


Frankly, if he called you back an hour after you called, I'd take it as a sure sign he's not cheating. Now if he didn't call you back ALL day, and only called at odd hours, like only while he's at work, but never from home...etc.


I think you're reading too much into this. Unless there are other portions of the relationship that are causing you concern but weren't listing in your original post.

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I wouldn't go by that at all. Maybe he "spanked the monkey," maybe he was a bit more tired than usual, maybe he's learning some self control...

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