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tough decision with this girl...

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I'm in a little tough spot here on what to do. I just started to get interested in this girl from work just within the last couple of weeks. where i'm 23 and she's 19. we only talk at work and from the computer on myspace off and on. my just becoming interested came at a sucky timing that she's moving away next month into a apartment nearby where her college is which is 2 or 3 hours away. she'll be there for the most part for another 3 or 4 years or however long that she's studying to become a pharmacist. another one of those what would you do question. would you just go ahead and spill about the liking to this person or keep your mouth shut with the person leaving soon

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Guess it wouldn't hurt to let her know how you feel. you never know what may come of it............ even if it doesn't lead to a relationship

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