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Strong Feelings but not sure?

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I have a best friend that is a girl and we go to the movies a lot but we always go with friends. Once there was no one that could go but us. I tried to ask her if she wanted to just the 2 of us but I didnt know how to ask her. I dont know if I like her but I think I have a strong feeling for her. What does it mean.

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I means you probably are starting to have some serious thoughts about what she looks like naked.....:cool: Lol I'm joking.


You probably do like her. Next time, don't invite your friends along to the movies, invite her and her only. Just take things slow and wait and see how your feelings progress. It could be just a bit of confusion you're suffering since your really good mates.


Don't stress about it, like I said, just leave it for now, be cool, and see if she makes anything about it as well. She may just eb feeling the same!! ;)


All the best!!

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hi, im new here.

i'm having sorta the same problem.

Me and this girl go to the movies alot together but we always go with friends. I think I really like her and I know that she at least used to like me. I would love to go to the movies with her alone but I'm not the one who ever plans it. It's usually her and her friends. I kinda asked her to go to a movie just with me today but I made it sound like it wasnt a date. I think we are probablly gonna do something tonight as a group instead. Me and her text each other alot but we dont talk on the phone much. Should I straight up tell her how i feel? Any suggestions?



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hi, im new here.

i'm having sorta the same problem.

Me and this girl go to the movies alot together but we always go with friends. I think I really like her and I know that she at least used to like me. I would love to go to the movies with her alone but I'm not the one who ever plans it. It's usually her and her friends. I kinda asked her to go to a movie just with me today but I made it sound like it wasnt a date. I think we are probablly gonna do something tonight as a group instead. Me and her text each other alot but we dont talk on the phone much. Should I straight up tell her how i feel? Any suggestions?




dont be like me tell her how you feel I dont know if she feels the same for me thats why I dont ask her

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