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I went to a wedding this weekend and came back to my bf. I found a pic of his ex girlfriend and a condom in his wallet. We don't use condoms b/c I am on birth control. He said it was for special occasions with me (aka when I have my period). However, I left on friday and had a light flow day. He wouldn't have sex with me then. Also, with the ex gf pic, he said someone put it in there to "set him up". The pic was in a clock by his phone. The only people who would do that would be his mom, step dad, or his brother.


We always have sex. We have a good relationship from what I thought. We're always together and everything. So it's hard to believe when he would find the time to do that. And he's not a bad guy either.


The only thing I'm worried about is he does delete his text messages and call history from his phone... a big red flag I know...


so what does everyone think.. I mean i see him 5-6 days a week.. but what is everyone's advice and what are the signs of cheating? Thanks

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I don't think deleting text messages and call history is a huge red flag in general...I delete my text messages all the time just cuz I hate to have all those in there for a long period of time...not because I have anything to hide. It's pointless and wastes space...as for call history...never really had a need to delete that but he could do it for the same reasons. My bf does the same thing once in a while, but I don't think it's really a big deal cuz like you, we are always spending time together when not working or at school and whatnot, so i don't really have anything to worry about.


I however would have an issue with a pic of his ex-girlfriend in his wallet. But maybe he's telling the truth...someone planted it there to "set him up". Did he take it out right away or is it still there? If it's still in there I'd ask him why. But I don't think you have anything to worry about...maybe if you were always catching him in lies or he was acting suspicious, then there may be something you need to look into, but until then you two sound like you're doing good.


As for signs of cheating, everyone is different. Some are really good at hiding it while others aren't. You know your bf better than anyone so you should be able to tell when something isn't right. Relationships are all about trust and how much you're willing to deal with. If your gut is telling you something isn't right, look into why. Is it just your insecurity or is something really there to make you paranoid? Hope that helps. I wouldn't think too much into this right now. Just enjoy eachother and I hope it all works out. : )

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