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why do guys cheat and lock away feelings???

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I was dating this guy for 8 1/2 months. everything was great! we went on several trips and we had so much fun together. HE talked about marriage and kids. 7 months in, he asked me to move in with him. i wasn't ready for all this. but even so we rarely fought and when we did we resolved it. we did have trust issues since we have both cheated before. and i completely take blame for not treating him the greatest. (when he told me he loved me, i told him not to say something he doesn't mean) only july 4th weekend, i discovered a personal ad that he had put up on the internet 6 months into the relationship.


I was completely upset. all week he was reassuring me that it was old and he wasn't cheating on me. the following weekend, everything had come to a point and i asked him if he was going to help me through this or bail. he decided we should take a break, which he thought would lead to a break up. we broke up with him still adamantly saying that he did not cheat on me but he can't get back with me. he revealed to my friend two days later that he tried to cover up the ad as much as possible. i wasn't mad nor upset.


i want to work this out between us because i want to be married to him. i love him so much that it hurts every day that we're not together. its hard to forget but i can forgive. he hasn't been returning my phone call so i'm going to go to his place tomorrow morning to talk to him about second chances. keep in mind he's a police officer, which allows him to lock away his feelings very easily.


is this the smart thing to do? have any guys been in my love's position?

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All you can really do is talk to him...find his weak points and try and crack into him that way. If he wants it to work to then he'll let it. If he didn't cheat then he should really want to get back with you. Good luck hope everything works out for you :) x

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There is only so much you can do to try to get this man back. If he his going to hide his feelings than how strong are his feelings any way?

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I don't buy his explanation. He was definitely looking around. If you two agreed to be exclusive, then the personal ad amounts to cheating. His coverup further confirms it.


Police officers are very bad bets in the r/s department. As a group, they have plenty of opportunities and motives to cheat - more so than most men. That doesn't apply to every individual, of course. But when the police officer who is at high risk for cheating actually does go ahead and cheat, then you have all the info you need.


And he asks for a break, and he's saying he "can't get back with you"? I declare this r/s officially over. Write a report and go back out on "Love Patrol"!

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