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Changed her mind?

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alright, heres the story...


i started liking this girl a while back, we were pretty good friends and we hung out a bit, we also have a class together. I started sorta flirting with her and trying to get closer to her a little more... I thought that she started to feel the same way about me because all the signs seemed to be there. So i decided to tell her how i felt about her...


i was wrong...


she said that she couldn't trust herself completely yet, (from her previous relationship which ended a while ago) and that she didn't want our friendship to be affected by this. fair enough... i left and tried not to think about it, and left it at that, i told myself not to try to 'convince' her to like me because i don't want to have to do that... That night we were talking online and she asked if i wanted to talk about what happened earlier in the day. She said she was sorry if she lead me on at anytime and that she didn't want our friendship to be ruined. After that she said she was worried about me because she knew that she hurt me. I told her that she did a little but it was expected and im over it... after that we started talking about other things...


A few days later i get a message from her asking me if i was going to this party that was on that week and that she wanted to catch up because she had lots to tell me.


so at the party we see each other, say hi, and make small talk for a bit. Then i go out the front to talk to a few people and when i come back she comes up to me and asks me if i got her call. I look at my phone and see that she called me. I asked her about it, and she just said she was wondering where i was. After that we go jump on the trampoline for a bit and then i decide to lie down on it. She lies down as well and we start talking for a while


skip forward a few days and i have a few people at my house during the day to just hang out and play games, while i sit in another room doing my homework... She comes as well but she comes later than everyone else because she had a few things to do beforehand. She comes in, says hi to me, and goes says hi to everyone else, after a while she comes to me with some lollies and offers me some and sits down with me and we talk for a bit and catch up. After we go down to the beach to take some photos for a class, and then she comes back to my place and stays for a few hours.


Then a few days later we go back to school.


(this is where i start to think she's changed her mind...)


we've started talking a lot more and hanging out a lot more too, during lunch, she always comes up to me and we hang out... (i know that seems like nothing much, but i can't really explain it, its one of those things you have to see to understand properly...) she's been sending me messages asking me how im going and stuff like that... a few nights ago, we "sang" 'sweet dreams' by eurythmics through messages.


she came up to me today and i saw that she had her hair, coloured and straghtened.. so i go and point out the obvious and say, "you got your haiir done." and she says, "yeah, you like it?" i say "yeah, it looks good on you" then she asks me where im going to study, i tell her in the library, and she asks if i'd rather go into her class to study instead because it'll be less crowded. So i go and study with her for a while and we're both in there alone and she's trying to teach my how to do something, and all im thinking is why she asked me to come in here instead of just going in the library...


A few of my friends noticed that we've been getting 'closer' lately and asked me if anything was happening between the two of us, i say no, because nothing is... but im starting to think that something might happen soon, but i don't want to say anything in case im reading this wrong again. But then again, she could be waiting for me to make another move so she can tell me how she feels about me...

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