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Guys : Is this just all about sex ?

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I have been talking to someone at great length and we ended up going out.


Being so hot outside we mutally suggested to go back to his place and catch a movie .


Without even warming me up * with kisses and soft caresses his hands were all over me and he was touching ~Caressing me in intimate places. I never got the breath taking kisses and the quiet talks . Needless to say I told him he was moving too fast . I left quickly/

I think he was trying to score .....

Opinions ?

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If you weren't feeling it, then don't let it happen again - Yet. UNTIL you are ready.


If he likes you enough, he'll wait...If not, then you know he was only after one thing.


Don't EVER put out to a guy on the first few dates. That's just too easy!

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I think he was trying to score .....

Opinions ?

Gee, ya think?


Wow, nothing gets by you, does it?


Of course he was trying to score. Nothing wrong with that at all; after all, he had no way of knowing that you wouldn't be into it.


Mind you, I personally would have approached it very differently and much gentler (and possibly had more success) but don't feel offended because he's attracted to you.

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Gee, ya think?


Wow, nothing gets by you, does it?


Of course he was trying to score. Nothing wrong with that at all; after all, he had no way of knowing that you wouldn't be into it.


Mind you, I personally would have approached it very differently and much gentler (and possibly had more success) but don't feel offended because he's attracted to you.


This one got me thinking.....


He was trying to score, nothing wrong with that.


Ok I'll buy that.


My thought is, and I am a guy, why do so many guys think that they can just barge in and go for it. Why can't they read a woman? It has always been clear to me when a girl is 'up for it' so to speak. Can they not tell when a girl is being nice? There is a world of difference.


Look closer, you can see it in her eyes, the way she holds her body, the movement of her hands and the words she uses. Women have a way of letting you know when its ok, or when its a possibility and a very effective way of letting you know its not ok.


I must say I have never freaked a woman out like that. You get the messages she sends and respond at her pace.


It is called COURTSHIP, check it out, its a real word, in the dictionary and everything.


These lame men really make life difficult, for men and women too.

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I think that 'going back to his place' or your place, for that matter, is code for 'let's do it'. So if you don't want sex, don't issue or accept an invite to go to someone's home.

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Maybe you are so hot that the passion just took him over when you were sitting close :p .

He probably was just seeing how far you would let him go. Some girls are so afraid to turn a guy down in fear that he will never call again. He found out you were not like that and if he calls you again it means he is probably interested in more than sex ( if you would be willing to take his call after he was a cad ). Going on a date should not mean sex as you are finding out about each other but some want to cut to the fun and bypass the 3 dinner rule.:D

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Don't sweat it. The guy was an ass. I think Witabix was right. Women for the most part will let us know.

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Maybe you are so hot that the passion just took him over when you were sitting close :p .

He probably was just seeing how far you would let him go. Some girls are so afraid to turn a guy down in fear that he will never call again. He found out you were not like that and if he calls you again it means he is probably interested in more than sex ( if you would be willing to take his call after he was a cad ). Going on a date should not mean sex as you are finding out about each other but some want to cut to the fun and bypass the 3 dinner rule.:D


Well honestly he was not turning me on anyway....lol. If a man can't be passionate in his kisses ,....forget it ...Oh, he was in his 30's for the previous poster...He was actually bypassing the kisses and going for the gold...such a turn off .

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maybe mary was up for it, but he turned her off with his clumsy approach. sometimes we just dont know if were up for it or not, but are willing to be persuaded. the guy just sounds inexperienced.

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Well honestly he was not turning me on anyway....lol. If a man can't be passionate in his kisses ,....forget it ...Oh, he was in his 30's for the previous poster...He was actually bypassing the kisses and going for the gold...such a turn off .

Sounds too stoopid to be allowed to procreate anyway, so it's for the best. :D

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witabix, thank you for renewing my faith in that i might have a bf one day who knows what courtship is, i am so glad to hear that word!! SO GLAD, yes, i need to tell my sis that, she will be happy to, there is still people out there that know what courtship is!! hooray

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Courting is awesome. I mean, moving slow in a new relationship is, in my eyes, more sexual than being physically sexual. If that makes any sense?


This weekend, I invited my new BF over to my house after a day of swimming at the pool. I didn't give off any sexual signals, and he read it well. The closest we came to touching was when he sat next to me on the couch and his arm touched my arm during the movie.


I am guilty of just jumping into the sack early on...but, I've learned my lesson from that last time.


The waiting, wondering, and anticipating [courtship] creates great sexual tension.

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He wanted some, you didn't want to give it up, end of story.


It happens...

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He wanted some, you didn't want to give it up, end of story.


It happens...


I didn't want to give it up to * him * , lol.


Some guys just know how to take your breath away when they touch you and kiss you....


This man was not making me feel like I wanted him to get more intimate . We had no chemistry in that area,....er... at least I didn't.


Did he honestly think he could start rubbing on me and I would give him sex ?


He needed to get the mental part going first....then the kisses and touch.....

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