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hubby's co-worker sends dirty jokes

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My husband's boss' girlfriend keeps sending him "jokes" that consist of naughty photos of women, to his home email address. The girlfriend works with my hubby's boss, helping in the office of their small business. I know they all joke around (including the boss) about sexual things all the time, and she has even sent a few to me.... but it seems inappropriate for a woman to send a married man these kinds of photos & jokes. He doesn't hide them from me or anything, and opens his email up right in front of me all the time. I asked him why she sends him things like that, and he said, "Why not? What's wrong with it?" I said, "I don't know, it's just weird to me....is she just 'one of the guys' or what?" and I wondered how he would feel if one of my male co-workers sent dirty jokes and pictures to me...... would that bother a man or not?


Am I just being strange? I know there's nothing going on, but I seriously don't think she's the most stable person in the world either.

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I think youre making it more than it is..Nothing is going on & its done in fun so lighten up a bit :p

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