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I think this guy at work likes me... but I'm not sure...


I think he flirts with me all the time, pretending to run me over, locking me in rooms with the lights off (this isn't sounding to well lol) but then he made sure I was okay, joking around with me, he even asked if he could come home with me one time in .. and always asking me questions about myself and he'll remember a bunch of things I say yet he can't remember some of our co-workers names... Am I just looking into this too much?


By the way, I like him too but we're completely different people like opposites... I just don't think I would be the kind of person he would like.


Any help would be great ^_^

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It seems like he likes you...anyway opposites attract, Its better if your two compleatly different people cos you then have so much to talk about, if you get on so well then go for it see if he wants to go for a drink with you one night or something you never know. Good luck chick :) x

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