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high-school heart-break, tips and would be gratefully thanked

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There's a girl I like, and she's got a boyfriend, and so i decided to become good friends with her, i thought i should become friendly and become "girlfriends" with her, and then after about a month, i gave her stone that i cherished because i carved the rock with my name on it, and i decided to give it to her for her christmas present, but she refused, and i couldn't say no, so i hid it in her backpack as she ws leaving, and on that same night, i recieved a call, it was her and her boyfriend, they were just screaming and yelling at me for bothering and "harrassing" her and for me to stop seeing her again, well that broke my heart, she was so mad at me, this is all because i wanted to share something personal with the person i love, and she shot me down, i thought it was going to be one of those scene in movies where she accepts my gift and somehow we end up together, but now i can't even talk to her or see her, I was crying all night and seemed that the only way to escape the pain was to either get amnesia or suicide, but i was too scared to do it, i believed that there is always someone for somebody, and i still think that someone is still out there, but i'm losing faith, and my hope is fading, so if i don't do anything, i might just find a way to kill myself or hit myself on the head to get amnesia, please help, this is the last thing i'm going to do, and if i can't get help from here, i give up... depression is killing me...

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she's got a boyfriend

It's hard - but you need to accept this.


And it's not a good idea to "make friends" with a girl, when you were always wanting more than that.


In a way, you were misleading her.


Infatuation is tough - but believe that a lot of people have felt the same as you at some point. And they have gone on to find somebody that returns their feelings.


Try to keep yourself busy - you have to try to move your mind on to something different.


Good luck.

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Hey man, love hurts. That's why there are so many songs written about it. I myself have been in your situation many times. Currently, I've managed to get myself stuck in another one. Don't let this ruin your view of life. Let her go. Ultimately she has the power in this situation because it is you that has the infatuation. Take your life back and move on without her. I let a woman run over me for years because I loved her and she didn't love me. I even married her so that I could "take care of her." When the truth finally smacks you in the face, that's real pain. Don't do that to yourself. Move on and do things in your life that you like to do and go places you like to go. In living YOUR life, you will find someone who lives like you do and would have genuine interest and maybe merging their life with yours. That's true happiness.

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