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"stripper tattoos"

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I believe that where I live they are called "bull's eyes" :laugh:


If you don't like tattoos, stop seeing her. See how easy the solution is? Then you don't have to constantly wrestle with yourself or try to control her choices or behavior!


I have tattoos all over my back and I love them. They are very special to me and mean something to me.

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My H has two awful ones.... We have been chatting about getting them removed. He did not realize that people look at him as a "not so nice" character in many instances because of them. At times I do find them to be an embarassment. My value system I guess is different than his regarding having a tattoo.... although he states women that are fat or have hairy arm pits are disgusting....... so he has no room to speak about me judging his tattoo arms.


He got these between the ages of 18 and 26. He would not get another one he states at this point in his life.


BTW to prove a point I am planning to grow out my arm pit hairs and wave with my arm way way up in the air showing my pit while out calling his name in crowded public places. :lmao:


Since he says he cannot understand why I would at times find his body art embarassing I thought he may understand more readily if he was actually in such a situation himself. :)

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I've got 2 tattoos on my back, one on my lower back & one between my shoulder blades. I don't go to strip clubs & don't watch pornos so wasn't aware people called them that until recently. I've had mine 4 yrs. I got mine b/c I like the way they look there, I don't show off my lower back but it's there & in a place I can either show off or hide, the choice is mone. I love tattoos and plan on getting more, my next one involves making my "tramp stamp" even bigger than what it is now, then one on the back of my neck. All where I can hide them if I want. BTW I have a very good job and my tattoos don't reflect what kind of person I am only the fact that I like them. I also love piercing so sue me. Why judge a person by that alone? If you care about her that much why should it matter that she has tattoos or where she put them? Does it really matter that much. if you can't get past a tattoo then maybe you don't care about her as much as you think you do.

Just my 2 cents.

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Those types of tattoos are called vanity belts here. My wife is considering getting one. I have a pic of my wife tattooed on my right upper arm and plan on getting another one of my son on my left arm. My wife has a tattoo on her boob just above her heart with my name. We are very average people in our late 30s. Its no big deal if they are done tastefully. Even though I sometimes cannot stand my wife, I have no regrets about my tat.

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Since he says he cannot understand why I would at times find his body art embarassing I thought he may understand more readily if he was actually in such a situation himself. :)


I don't see why it's embarassing. But my Dad taught me to not let how others choose to look effect how I feel about myself (embarassed) or how I feel about the other person.


When I was a kid my Dad wore this hideous plaid sports jacket to every.single. family-related event, be it through music lessons and competitions and performances, graduation ceremonies, award ceremonies, even church. He wore it because my sisters and I hated it. We wanted to die of embarassment whenever he wore that nasty red plaid thing. But as I grew up I realized that #1 it doesn't effect me, and #2 he should be allowed to do whatever the hell he wants.


Now I love that nasty red jacket. I look back on the pictures and laugh at myself for being embarassed because it was silly in the first place.

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I don't see why it's embarassing. But my Dad taught me to not let how others choose to look effect how I feel about myself (embarassed) or how I feel about the other person.



It is embarrassing because the person you choose as your spouse is a reflection upon your tastes and values. My H is quite handsome in my view with the exception of those unsightly ink blobs on his arms that he put there as pre adult.


I recently pointed out to him that one of them could indeed symbolize his belief in religion........suddenly he now dislikes it as well. :lmao:


The other symbolizes that women are evil creatures. Not tasteful at all. The art itself is interesting, I would consider replication to be printed on cocktail napkins for a halloween party.


Quite funny as well, he states if we had children he would certainly have them removed....... which I found quite interesting on his part.


If you like em...... get more. :)

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A4A you are funny. This is a hot topic apparently.


Well I thank you guys ( and girls ) for your input. As it is a learning experience for me. I just saw her for a few minutes the other day and I never even thought about them. I was just so happy to see her after 2 days. Outside of here some of the guys I talked to said they are a bit sexy but would not to like to see their wife have one. I am leaning towards accepting it because I do care about her too much to let that be a reason not to.

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IMO, 90% of the attitudes towards tattoos are nothing to do with the aesthetics of the tattoo itself, but rather the social & cultural prejudices surrounding them. Tawdry, horrible, and ridiculous phrases like "tramp stamp" are a good example of the absurd attitudes to tattooing. The funny thing is that the people forming these judgements would, if they had been born in say Fiji in 1745, have their bodies covered head to toe in tattoes themselves.


The reason I don't like most tattoos, is that 98% of them are crap-looking and poorly applied, I prefer the human body unadorned, and most people get them for what I consider to be pathetic reasons (peer influence, a desire to be quasi-rebellious, poor aesthetic taste etc). A very small number of people have very good looking tattoos, which they got purely because they felt it would enhance their overall look or it would be something significant to them on their own terms. I can respect that and appreciate the work if it's done well. But that's a real minority of tattoed people.


So generally if I see a woman with a tattoo, I wince. But occasionally I'm pleasantly surprised.

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