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once a cheater always a cheater

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Don't know where to start

Never been through this before


Heard all the rumors when we first met

Why didn't I listen to all the other girls


Can't believe I thought maybe for me

just maybe you would change


You knew I'd been hurt many times before

So why? Why did you just add onto all my pain


All the lines you fed to me

were just a bunch of lies


You said all the right things

and i fell for them all

Until the day i recieved that call


The lies continued, saying you did nothing

til I talked to the girl, and you were busted


It was just an innocent kiss?

Well that innocent kiss just broke my heart


Now you realize how you really feel about me

saying you can't sleep and feel sick to your stomach


You said I did nothing to deserve this and that I'm so amazing

then why would you do something to hurt me like this


Why would you kiss another girl

when you could see yourself with me in 5 years

and would fall in love with at anytime?


You expect yet another chance with me

why should i set myself up to get hurt by you again


Once a cheater always a cheater


You say it's killing you and it's killing me too

but I've come to a conclusion.....


It's time to get over you

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