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dating before divorce

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I have been separated now for over 2 years, long story but we needed time to sort out practicalities before divorce which we are scheduling for next spring.


My ex is ok with this and moving on, my son is re-settled.


Is it ok to date?


I'm not asking permission (! ) I just want to know other people's ideas and experiences.


I have been going out more and have met a couple of nice guys lately. I just told them my divorce isn't through yet, and we hang out, nothing too involved.

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If you're hanging out with guys, I don't see taking it a step or two farther is going to make any difference. Just make it very clear to the people you go out with that you are in the process of a divorce that will be completed no earlier than next spring.


There's no real reason for you not to date if you feel you are emotionally ready...and, if so, that's GREAT!, and you're up front and honest with everybody about your status.


Have fun!

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I think the longer you are separated, the more "accepting" others are about your situation. But this is a very personal belief and only you can decide what is right or wrong for you. I'm currently 1.5 years(?) separated, and have recently moved to another city, so chances are very slim to almost impossible for reconcilation. I'm not dating, but I dont see anything wrong with it either if it was to happen, I'm just not ready/interested. Make sure you are dating for the right reasons and that you are honest with those you get involved with. And listen to your gut feeling. From experience, if you have to ASK the question, then you are not ready.

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I don't know the legal side, but it would seem as soon as the marriage is over in your heart, it would be OK to date.

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I met my husband three days after separating from my ex-husband. We've been married for eleven years.

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I don't know the legal side, but it would seem as soon as the marriage is over in your heart, it would be OK to date.

Yeah, that's what my wife did... and then she kindly thought to mention it to me a year or two later! :D :D :D


All in good fun, of course, but since you said that your STBX is OK with it and is moving on, I feel like if you have any obligation, making sure things are clear between the two of you is the primary thing...

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