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Hi everyone, I'm invloved in an ldr w/my boyfriend for about 2yrs now, well its kind of a long story, I've been having a trust issue with him for a while now, I found out that he purchased flowers for another girl while me & him where dating, now the girl didn't have death in the family or wasnt sick, so I confronted him about it & he claims that it was for friendship, but when we got together, I saw messages in his phone that he was exchanging sexually explicit mesages to her so I cursed him out about it. So now fast forward to the present, I found out that he has a profile on a very popular website which states that he's single and on there for dating, I confronted him about it & he lied & I told him that I knew about it, so we broke it off.


Well we decided to try it again but now I'm having trust issues about him and now since he has a profile on this site, he's been chatting w/a female who lives 2000 miles away...leaving him messages & comments that she loves him & blah blah blah. But the thing is that everytime I say something or confront him about it, he always run and tells his friends & I end up having a curse out match with them. Now I feel like I'm going crazy b/c I feel like he's playing me.


I told him how I felt about the situation, however I have a gut feeling that she's not the only one i feel that he may have some1 locally but I can't prove it. So basically, it's getting to the point where I'm contenplating getting my number changed and just moving foward but it's hard b/c he has a son that I'm very attached to. Help I need some input.

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he doesn't sound like hes going to make you happy. this relationship isn't going anywhere, break it off.


hes being a dick first off by running and telling his friends. any guy who respects his girl is going to respect her feelings and not ****ing post that hes single and looking for dating. hes TRASHHH

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wow i know i have been a real dick in the past but your in a tight spot. I am in no way a person to speak here but im going to anyways. if you know for sure that hes doing things like this. just a question. why dont you try to get over him and find somone you can have your own son with. keeping in mind that a kid isnt a thing but somone that you will need to give the world to. anyways I could be nuts but hell why not say something.


I usto cheat on a woman. did it about 5 times or so and to this day if i even here of somone cheating it makes me want to get very well lets just say upset. the hard part is going to be not carrying it over to the next one. :( anyways I hope this helps you in some way. and i really hope somone pops in here and points out if im wrong or right but the only person that can really tell you what you need is you.


I would like to wish you luck

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he doesn't sound like hes going to make you happy. this relationship isn't going anywhere, break it off.


hes being a dick first off by running and telling his friends. any guy who respects his girl is going to respect her feelings and not ****ing post that hes single and looking for dating. hes TRASHHH



Yes when I saw that page, my heart just dropped and you couldn't have said it no better, he is such a dick, everytime I have an issue w/him about something & confront him about it, he tells his friends and everybody(his friends)have an input on it which is really messed up b/c they're oversteeping my bounderies getting angry at me over something that isnt any of their business and I've became drained from arguing w/them. Thank you very much for your responses, the 1st step in what I need to do is get my number changed.

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