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Should I Just Tell Him For The Heck Of It?

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I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

Basically, I started working with a guy this year who I really like and who I'm 98% sure likes (or at least, liked) me back (judging by the classic holding the gaze, stares, innocent touching, teasing, bantering, etc). I felt like we really clicked and were interested in each other, but I came to the realisation one day that he must be "just not that into me" seeing as he didn't ask for my mobile or email despite me hinting and scooting around the topic hoping he'd ask for my contacts. This was also the first day he just treated me like a friend, no flirting, no nothing, no spark at all.


I gave up from then...but then he turned on his hot signals again and now he's just confused me. I've reverted back to being same old me, no special treatment towards him, but whenever I do get to see him (not that often at work anymore), he still treats me like he used to before that cold day.


Another thing is, I'm leaving in about a month to live overseas for half a year. When I come back, he might well and truly have left to pursue other things. So should I tell him how I feel at my last chance or just leave it?


What the heck is this guy thinking? I think the fact that we are different races is also influencing his behaviour, but it's been frustrating me for a while coz I don't see it as a problem (I've dated interracially before).


And am I correct in thinking he just isn't interested me if he doesn't ask for my mobile or MSN?

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I personally think that maybe he isn't that into you. Even as much of a chickens**t as I can be at times, if I like a girl, I try to find a way to spend more time with them. Any way possible. Especially if it's a girl I met a work. Hell I married one (psycho), but that's a story for another time. I'm currently (stupidly some say) trying to get closer to another one I met on a different job (stuck as best friend right now). When you care about someone, there really are no color lines.

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