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Dating a co-worker...avoiding rumor-mongerers

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I started dating a guy who works in the same building as I do a few weeks ago. I've known him for a while, but nothing happened between us until I broke up with my long-time boyfriend.


I'm a pretty private person by nature, especially when it comes to relationships. Now everyone and their mother seems to know who I'm dating and I'm not very comfortable with it. I get questions like "Is that your boyfriend?" or "Who's your friend?" with sly grins. I don't quite know how to deal with it without stammering or blushing (and I am NOT shy by nature). He comes by my office sometimes to chat, we eat lunch together sometimes, and I know people have seen us leaving work together.


I like the people I work with, and I'd like to be able to reply in a way that isn't stand-offish but still keeps my private life private (or as private as is possible, given the circumstances). Any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

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Do you work closely with this person or is this a large corporation? I can understand the need for privacy, I am very much the same way. I know this sounds strange but one thing I use to do, is when you don't want to answer someone who ask things like that ( which are none of there business) you can smile and ask why do they want to know? Typically, it keeps them quiet.

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I don't work with the guy at all. We work for the same department, different divisions. He was on my floor once, we made eye contact, and things kind of snowballed from there.


And that's a very good suggestion. I'll try that next time someone asks. Thanks so much! :)

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