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There's this girl who works at a coffee stand in the library where I study. I'd like to get to know her better, but until now I haven't really spoken to her when I would buy my snacks.


I'm thinking of asking her out for some ice cream or something simple like that. But I'm reluctant to. Won't she instantly assume if I ask her out to do something that I'm interested in her as a girlfriend? Is that what you would think if some random guy asked you out?


I'd be lying if I say I wasn't interested having something more with her. But at the very least, I'd just like to get to know her as a friend.


How can I go about asking this girl out? I've been playing it out in my head, but I just can't get over the feeling that she'll instantly interpret it all as "Oh, he likes me." I just want her to feel that I want to get to know her, not that I'm necessarily trying to date her.


Any advice? I don't have much experience with these kinds of things. I've never really asked any out. So this is all new. I figure I may as well start of somewhere.

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So I went and asked her out (I really flubbed it!) and I got REJECTED! lol....my first rejection...


Uh, it hurts. But I guess this is how I learn. One more step towards being less shy and weak.

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Hang in there. Keep trying. You'll get one.

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On one hand, it kind of hurts. Can't help but wondering if there is something wrong with you. But on the otherhand, it's nice to know now instead of wondering.


Hopefully I can keep on mustering the courage and eventually meet someone.

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Its cool that you went ahead and asked her!:)

and Like the previous person said, keep trying and you will find someone:)

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Hey sorry the girl said no. But its good you tried. Good courage to do so well done. In future I wouldn't worry too much about the girl wondering why some random guy has asked her out and what he wants. Its kind of flattering to be asked out and dates can be fun and mysterious. If the girl is available and is even remotely interested in dating she will probably say yes. Never take it as a personal insult if she rejects you. Sometimes its a case of wrong time wrong place, wrong girl. Best thing is to be confident when you do talk to her and maybe in the future you might think about making casual conversation to her everytime you see a girl in a situation like that if you can. And slowly getting to know her bit by bit before you decide to ask the question.

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