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I am a drumline instructor and am working with another instructor, who is helping me out. She has just graduated from high school, and has only worked in a high school drumline. I have been in a college drumline for 3 years, and a drum corps dline, which for those of you who don't know, is kind of like professional marching band.

I made a web site for the dline to get the kids info. on things I forgot to tell them, but have been getting rude comments on the page, where the kids can see it, about how I used to be a bad drumline captain when I was in school and what to call certain instruments. She liked me as a captain, and I know because we were friends at the time, and the naming of the instruments shouldn't matter. She keeps second guessing me where the kids can read it and when I tell her about how it bothers me and how we shouldn't undermine each other in front of the kids, she gets mad, saying she was kidding. I keep telling her that even if she is kidding that some of the kids may not take it that way, see us undermining each other and start doubting us as instructors, but she's still mad. I emailed the band director about the problem, but have not gotten a response back. I have to see her Aug. 1, which is in 2 days. I used to really like this girl, but now I don't even want to see her.

Please give me some input on how to handle the situation on Tues.!!

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I've had that problem too, eventually they were about to become my boss. I had to tell my VP that I couldn't work with her and stay with the group.


In the meantime, if you can't reach your superior, try to talk to your friend and have a frank open discussion. Maybe you can clear things up.

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She's obviously being extremely unprofessional. Tell her that. And if she gives you the "just kidding" scenario - very popular among people who wish to turn the tables on their "victim" - tell her clearly that it makes no difference if it's in humour or not.


Then change the web page so the ability for that sort of exchange isn't available.


Or, fire her ass.


Paradiddle away!

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