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Does she even like me?

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It had been a long time... i had been seeing this girl for 3 years now, loved her at first sight. But u know, i was 13, she was too, but i am the sort of not so rich guy. She is one rich girl, with a pretty face, who eva can go modelin at the age of 13...


well, she had loads of bf, one after another, i just feel like i am an outsider.:( It's like, ok, she just told me her private troubles over the net, ok, she trusted me. But she isn't even replyin my sms now. She called me a lot of names, cuddled with her ex right in fron of me..


she never blushed at me before. DOes she even like me? :(

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sounds like she doesnt care, i am sorry but take the happy memories and get away from her, she has issues she needs to deal with and she ( i am sorry to say) i think using you for whatever she needs. good luck, there is someone out there that will give you more respect then that, ok keep you r head up!

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she sounds like she has problems..theyre not your fault, and its not your fault that shes treating you the way she is , if i were you i would just send her a final sms indicating that you care about her, and that if she ever needs a freind you'll be there, but until the day she lets you know that you will leave her be. This leaves the ball in her court and makes you the bigger person, but doesnt burn your bridges just in case the way shes bahving isnt because shes mean but because shes troubled, or needs time to work out what she wants etc. Im not saying this is the case but if you take this course of action you leave the door open just in case but dont embarras yourself by chasing after her.

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Well, she does have like emotional problems... she cut herself once and i had to stop her. I don knoe, she is depressed... but keeping quiet is definitely not her. I will wait and see... U know, as long as i know tat she exist, i cannot love another, for now. Sigh*


Well, i could say she was showing interest in me, u know telling me things tat she never told anyone else. She went for ice-cream wif me like at the start of this year... after that, i hav only seen her twice this year.


And oh, btw, she is having exams now, so do u think tat may be the cuz. :(

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