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Is this bad?

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Well i met this girl on holiday and i liked her from the moment i saw her. Well after 3 days of staying up till 12 talking we had a 20 min snog on the beach. The next day we snoged almost the whole day in the jaccuzi. Then at that evenign we went swimming at 2 am yust her in her lingerie and me in my boxers. We ended up lying on each other but didnt do anything since we had no condoms. Well the next evening she was in my hotel room and we did. I felt quiete bad since it hurt her since i took her virginity and she took mine (Im only 14 and shes 15). Well anyways after a few more evenings of partying i had to go back to the uk, well we planned that i would fly over to hers for the holiday on the 15th august and all was good. But today on msn we talked and she told me that she wasnt realy sure whether she loves me or not she told me that shes realy into me but isnt to sure about love, talking about how we moved to fast and that we have to take it slower when i come over.(which is true i mean in 3 days were already together in bed)


Well should i take this bad since i love her but she doesnt love me or isnt to sure if she does. Could this be the end of our relationship? Or yust the start?

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breathe. k now listen she said she want s to go slow, she s talking to you. think about that as a positive instead of all that negativity. its hard to say cuz you are all young, but i would just try and think happy thoughts, you will be ok, if you guys are meant to be then you will be, if not then just know that you will be ok. aww young uns!!:(

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i agree... she said she wanted to slow down.. seems like things moved pretty fast for both of you before you had time to consider all the options and what you wanted etc...


Also you guys are young and love is a confusing thing (at any age) so it's ok if she's unsure if she loves you... like I said it all moved so fast perhaps her heart hasn't caught with everything yet... it was intense and then you were apart again - that's got to be hard on both of you to know exactly how you feel.


If I was the girl in question I'd be quite nervous about you coming over... here's some thoughts that might be going through her head....

it was all like great when you were on holiday but what if 'he doesn't like me anymore, doesn't find me attractive, just wants to sleep with me and doesn't like me as a person, doesn't like my friends. What if I don't find him attractive, what if what if what if... etc..


All that stuff would freak me out a bit and put a lot of pressure on me. She might feel she has to sleep with you again when she's not really ready or that you wont like her if she doesn't.


Soooooo I would take stuff slow, talk about how you feel about each other, get to know each other again (talking in real life is different than online), Don't put any pressure on her, if kissing is all you do then that's good, treat her like a queen if she's the girl for you then it will work out. But I wouldn't take it as a bad sign, I think she's being very honest with her feelings.


Good luck.

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