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I have been married for about 10 years and have 2 beautiful children. Sometimes my husband and I are happy and sometimes we barely talk. I have been best friends with this guy I used to work with for about 5 years. We talk to eachother everyday. We share secrets and talk about personal stuff. He gives me self-confidence and makes me feel good about myself and also encourages me to go after my personal goals, like finishing college etc. He flirts with me all the time and he always has. I don't know if it's just him or he likes me. I have really developed feelings for this guy over the last few years but I don't know how he feels about me. We have never done anything, and I wouldn't, I'm not that type. My husband and him have become somewhat friends, and my husband knows I talk to him which is a lot for him because he is the really jealous type, but he tries not to call when my husband is home. He doesn't have a girlfriend, he's a single bachelor. He's talked about being with other girls but nothing has ever came of it. Is he waiting on the sidelines for me or am I just a friend. Everytime he see's me he smiles and blushes and he is a really shy guy. What am I supposed to do with these feelings I have? I love my husband, but I really care about this guy too. I spend most of my time obsessing on how to tell him how I feel. Do I just keep these feeling hidden like I have and hope they'll go away, because I'ts been awhile and they don't seem to be going anywhere. Any advice would be much appreciated

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If you value your marriage you will cut off this friendship. If the roles were reversed how would you feel if your husband had feelings for someone else like you do. Think long and hard because if you allow this to continue on another level the chances are good that your marriage may end. Your husband will see this as a double betrayal because he also friends with this guy. Again how would you be feeling if the roles were reversed? You are on the road to disrespecting your husband and your marriage. Are you willing to risk this?

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my mum had a friend like this at work. Theyre together now with a kid and my dad was chucked out on his ear!

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I've been in the same situation. I can't tell you who in the right guy for you, but I can tell you that it is important in what order you do things. First you need to try and work things out with your husband, and a good way to start that is to stop being friends with this guy. If you can't make a go of your marriage then end it. THEN you are free to go and tell whoever you want about your feelings for them, and you will be free to act on your feelings. Right now your husband is your number one.

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