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Balancing Your Time

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  • How often do you see your friends alone, without your SO there?

  • How often is too often to be spending evenings/days etc with your friends?

  • Why is it that some married/attached women seem to 'forget' about seeing their friends once they find a man? :sick:

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My boyfriend and I have been in the same circle of friends for over a year. And then we started dating. We've been dating for 6 months now.


I don't hang out with my friends that often this summer... they're either working or taking summer school or other things. And I'm just... here.


Since my boyfriend and I have mutual friends, we hang out with them together (just like we always have when we WEREN'T going out). Last week, we were both hanging out with our friends and he had to leave to pick up his sister and I stayed. So that counts as hanging out with them without my S.O.


Sometimes us girls DO "forget" to spend time with our friends when there's a guy in the picture. But honestly, I wouldn't go out with JUST THE GIRLS to begin with. I've always had guy friends to hang out with too. And if there are guy friends, what's wrong with having your boyfriend there?


I feel like I don't have a lot of time during school anyways to be spending time with JUST my friends and JUST my boyfriend. College takes up a lot of time. And then there are weekends... weekends to study and hang out with either my boyfriend and/or my friends at nights. It's just balancing out everything. And being with the boyfriend is always nice since we don't get to see each other often...

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