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Is he really flirting with me or not?

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I have a huge crush on one of my best friends. He's really nice but lazy when it comes to girls. He refuses to make the first move (he's not uncomfortable with it. He just doesn't want to put forth the effort to make the first move) anyways-- Him and I always hug and cuddle.We laugh,joke around, go to shows together, and watch movies. We kiss and "fool around" too but where I get confused is he says he doesn't want to use me and that he thinks I'm "awesometastic"[[ as he said]]


Yet, I know he still likes his ex-girlfriend. Does he like me too or is he just using me? I'm terrible at seeing the signs about if a guy likes you or not. Or if a guy is flirting with me and whatnot. I can never tell if they are or they aren't and I always second guess myself. Can someone help me here? I don't want to get hurt but I don't want to give up on him if he does like me. Can someone please help me!?

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think of his actions as "What-Could-Be-A-Quick-Preview" of a relationship with him.......... a guy that does not speak up for his needs, would rather them be met...somehow/ anyhow..... ???



i dunno..... i say he's "not that into you", or he would have either slept with you or you would not be posting the question of "How does he feel about me?"

You would know, and that is the abbreviated answer.


Why be the Rebound-Gal if he is still strung out on his ex???


You are better than that..... do NOT give it away! :mad:

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Flirting? I think you are asking the wrong question.

Don't you want to know if he want to be your boyfriend?

The answer to that is no - and if he does its just to use you. Its plainly obvious to any halfwit guy that you are into him, so he knows he could have you. So the only reason that he doesn't is that he simply does not like you enough.

Relationships like you are in can be a lot of fun, I've done it myself - but if it keeps on going on like this someone will eventually get hurt - that will be you.

Oh and he says "I don't want to use you" because he is asking permission to use you. He just wants to have some fun. I know because I've said it before to girls...

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I agree with John. I dated my best friend for awhile. It was sort of a fling for him but I was really into him. We were never technically exclusive because we just kissed and fooled around a little bit (dating without the bf/gf titles). He started going out with another girl during this whole stage. I was heartbroken because I felt like he had cheated on me. After he and this girl broke up he was hurt and I was a friend willing to listen and give him advice about what to do next (this was the day after they broke up). I ended up having to push him off of me because he wanted things to go back to friends-with-benefits and I finally saw things for what they were. He was using me.


I stopped being friends with him because I felt that if he really cared about me (even as a friend) then he would never use me like that. I also agree with John that by saying he doesn't want to use you he is asking for permission to use you and taking advantage of the fact that you will let him.

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OOOOORRRRRR....... you could just welcome this as a friends-With-benefits relationship.... many want them ....few have good ones.

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Hey why dont you ask him, or not because you dont know if you can ruin the relationship. But how can you tell if he has his eye on his ex-girlfriend, did you catch him, if you do that probably means, you two are best as buddies/

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