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Is this okay?

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Well, I haven't really talked to this girl that much but anyway, we work in the same place, a supermarket.


I intend to get served by her and I was wondering if I said something like , "Oh I like you hair" or something would it be okay and not inapproriate.


This is before I start work so it won't be on the boss' time or anything.


Oh yeah I'm a noob when it comes to these sort of things so I don't wanna seem like an idiot.

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Girls like compliments... as long as you don't say some cheesy pick up line or embarass her then you will be fine. Commenting on her hair is a prefectly nice compliment, comments like, "you look nice today" and "I like your outfit" (provided she is not in her uniform for work) are good things to say to start out. Just make sure that you won't make her feel uncomforatble at all, you do work with her. If she is interested in you she will probably make attempts to talk to you after you have shown interest.


Good luck

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