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Now What? Does he love me?


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Well After about 9 weeks with NO contact I did a bad thing and broke it! Saw MM the other day. I said the "L" word to him , yes that's right I told him I love him and we hugged. He did not say it back but had a big smile on his face.


Could he love me even if he did not say it back right away? Any imput is appreicated.



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babe How long did u go out with him?

If he is not saying it back then stop saying it, it will only boost his ego trust me iv been there! My ex says i love u but he is not "in love with me" it is 6 weeks for me since i broke up with my ex he is now seeing another girl (which he keeps denying) that fancied him, i cant do Nc at the mo its 2 hard, my feelings for him are deep but we arnt getting back 2gether so i have to move on

Do u think ul get back with this guy?

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