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would you do it...

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...if you were seeing a guy for almost three years but broke up, moved on but did keep in contact exchanging emails with him for unknown reason, maybe positiive chemistry and views of life but that is about it. Only up until now, almost 2 years after, you start hanging out, go see his new apt he bought, exchanging more emails and doing things you two used to do together but not alone. In the meantime, you have a boydfriend who wants you to be the only woman of his life whose heart you broke recently for your personal reason of long-distnance and needing him here everyday. Although you broke up, you still see him and kiss him and he stays over, brings flowers, etc...


I am meeting people from different clubs of my interest and I've been inviting both my ex-bf and my current bf to different events with me. I wonder what people think when they see me with one guy and the next time with someone else...does it throw them off...Is it even OK to do? I feel like I should not share my interests with anyone I am not sure about....but on the other hand I like the company of these two guys on various occasions. I do not go all over my ex-bf, do not hold his hand or anything, eventhough he flirts with me and I do tell him that I do not like what he does. Is that right that if I do bring a guy along, that limits my chances of meeting someone new? What do people think when they see me with different guy when we meet?

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Wait... didn't you say you and your "current boyfriend" broke up, but still see him and kiss him and he stays over, brings flowers, etc. ? Are you two together or are you not? If he is your ex but ya'll are still acting like ya'll are together, it's not really good. You need to make up your mind, or else both of you will end up getting hurt if you don't. Mixed messages are confusing.


Do you WANT to meet someone new? If you do, then you might want to stop hanging out with JUST those guys. If you're gonna hang out with your ex's, it might be best to bring some girls along too... so it doesn't look like you're going out with them. Cuz they're only your friends...


And I think just having your ex's around really does limit the number of guys who approach you. You could be missing out on someone who really might like you. If I saw a guy that I liked, but he was with other girls, I would automatically think he's taken...

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