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Something worse than being told "I just want to be friends...."

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"I love you...like my brother...."


That is what the love of my life told me today...she's broken my heart. Man I wish I could be in the 'just friends' group at least then there may be a chance (however small that chance may be) that she could love me the way I love her...

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Not really. The just friends group IS the just like a brother group.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Try to think of it as being set free to meet someone who really can return your feelings. I wish you the best.

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Man, I feel your pain. My next drink I dedicate to you.

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my god that is soo true i am facing the same problem..like the girl i like can't commit for several reasons and another guy loves her but she can't do anything to him...though i feel they can have a future but I mean I hate it that way...i don't want him to love her..and i want her to start loving people especially me...I always say.... "We want what we can't get"

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"I love you...like my brother...."


That is what the love of my life told me today...she's broken my heart. Man I wish I could be in the 'just friends' group at least then there may be a chance (however small that chance may be) that she could love me the way I love her...


Not to worry...even a second. Just pull way back. Don't call her often, don't see her, don't communicate with her but just a very little bit. Go out with other people...let her know now and then that you had a LOT of fun on a date. Don't discuss anymore details than that...tell her you have to run, see you later. Don't be so available to her...but do be nice when you see her...just not too nice. Be courteous but don't make your encounters with her often at all.




When a woman sees that a guy is busy...in demand...attractive to others...it starts her thinking.


This is the ONLY way you will get out of the friend's zone with her if you're willing to do the work. Otherwise, you're dead in the water. It may take some time...I mean a LOT of time...and you have to do it correctly.


First, you have to ask yourself if this girl is worth you spending some many months playing a game for....or would you rather just go find a lady who will be your girlfriend right now without the BS.

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While I agree with Tony T's response, you have to ask yourself if it's worth waiting... and working... and waiting... and working... and expending all that energy to extricate yourself from the black hole of the friend zone, while you could be meeting other people.


After all, there are no guarantees. You could do everything exactly right, and still get shot down in flames. As well, while you're in the friend zone quagmire, there are going to be other fellows that are intent on a more meaningful relationship with your intended lady. Are you willing to be put on the sidlelines while she's being courted by other suitors?

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"We want what we can't get"


Not really. We want what we want. Sometimes we can't get it and that sux. Sometimes we get it and sometimes that sux too.

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Not to worry...even a second. Just pull way back. Don't call her often, don't see her, don't communicate with her but just a very little bit. Go out with other people...let her know now and then that you had a LOT of fun on a date. Don't discuss anymore details than that...tell her you have to run, see you later. Don't be so available to her...but do be nice when you see her...just not too nice. Be courteous but don't make your encounters with her often at all.




When a woman sees that a guy is busy...in demand...attractive to others...it starts her thinking.


This is the ONLY way you will get out of the friend's zone with her if you're willing to do the work. Otherwise, you're dead in the water. It may take some time...I mean a LOT of time...and you have to do it correctly.


First, you have to ask yourself if this girl is worth you spending some many months playing a game for....or would you rather just go find a lady who will be your girlfriend right now without the BS.


Thanks, :) this advice is great, and yes this girl is worth it

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