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I was rummaging through other forums and found this interesting tidbit:

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Real love takes time to grow and needs trust and understanding to help it reach its full potential. Although you may find yourself strongly attracted after a few dates, it is important to reflect upon your feelings and be careful not to move too fast. The foundations of real love take time. Be honest with yourself when determining if your feelings are anything more than just a crush.


How can you prepare yourself for the instant soul mate trap?

  • Listen to your gut reactions. If it feels too good to be true, slow down.
  • Remember that being intimate causes emotions to rise to the surface- the deeper you walk into a relationship, the greater your potential for getting hurt.
  • If you have a history of "instant relationships" you're likely to be a magnet for this type of relationship in the future.

  • It's important to get in touch with your own relationship goals, and your true feelings about meeting your soul mate. For many people as they begin to feel less confident about finding love, the more likely they are to be attracted to an "instant partner."
  • Remember that fear is a powerful motivator. If your fears about not finding love are in control or even directing your behavior, then you may be acting in ways that will deter you from finding love.

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