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Ugh, situation is 10x's worse now....

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Tell me what you guys think....I won't even get into the details....Just a brief sweep of everything....But tell me what you think of this.


ABOUT 5 MONTHS AGO.....Met an cocky, yet sweet marine corps guy at our first day working at a hardware store (yes I'm 19, and they like to hire young girls).... Had a boyfriend at the time.....20 yrs old very abusive, to himself with booze and drugs and to me, physically and emotionally......basically a miserable rich kid....


Everyone was breathing down my back to get away from him due to some recent experiences........Most guys are intiminated by me......this marine guy is 4 inches shorter than me and approached me like it was nothing......So I gave him my number....blew him off at first....kinda nervous about cheating, had never done it, never wanted to.....then I talked to him one day.....


He said he had just gotten out of a 4yr.....has a daughter with her which lead to a custody battle.......still saw her all the time tho........Told him about my circumstance.....decided we were both attracted to each other and that we'd use each other as a booty call.....we started hooking up.......his friend and he himself told me I'm the hottest/best looking girl he'd ever been with......I was trying to lose my bf, he helped me get away.....He was still in contact with his babysmama, I think trying to work things out......so there was no attachement.


We started to get to know each other a few months down the road.......At first we could talk normal, about anything.....like we really were JUST FRIENDs.......We both talked about our past relationships alot....I didn't just come over late at night anymore.....He said things to me in a low voice like, "You really are beautiful. I mean that. I'm not just saying that." and "I wanna make you believe that you deserve a good guy",etc, etc.....VERY SWEET things.


Then he flipped things.......saying he loved me suddenly, flirting with girls and smacking their asses right in front of me, being rude and being very fake.......One night I came over to his place emotional and drunk..... spilled a drink all over 2 of his phones from ebay and his laptop......replaced the phones, still need to buy the laptop.........This night I told him I used him to get back at my man, because of all my anger built up inside........He responded with "USED ME?!?!?!" in the most pissed off voice I've ever heard from him.....I also told him I knew he was a player, and I didn't want to deal with it......But then told him "I loved him to death" and didn't wanna leave him????.....


After that night......he didn't talk to me much anymore.....didn't answer my calls much........I bought him a new phone.....and that was about the last I heard of him.....He got a new girl for one month.....kicked her out the door and told her he didnt want a relationship....from what I hear.


Sooo what the hell happened?? I fell for him, and got left in the dust. Should I have known all along???? When I was younger I was somewhat of a girl player with the weaker guys....Only because I would think that I liked them at first, but then I would see that they were too needy and I would drop em so fast.... Yea, I was cruel at times.


But I could sense it all off him because of that I thought..... He told me that he really did fall for me. He did things for me that I know he didn't do for this random girl after me, and the way he looked at me from across a room.....was pretty damn obvious....unless his a really good player. But, At first he was being real. Then it all went crazy. Was it because he didn't want to be that guy. The one that gets toyed with by some girl who can't make up her mind between guys??? Because I was cheating on my ex, and he knew I was still with him.....although I was trying to get away.....I guess karma pays ya back, huh? No matter what its no excuse to cheat. Now I'm stuck with TWO *******s that are draining me emotionally, not one. :(


I know hes gonna call me again....What should I do? How can I actually be smart this time....?

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You can be smart by making YOURSELF happy. Let some time and space pass between all the upheavals that have happened. Seek out some peace and quiet, away from both of them!

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I don't want to help you. (What a bastard I am today :D )



Op don't talk to him at all.


John...... you made me spit up my beer! I think a little came out my nose :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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hun, YOU made the situation 10x's worse. you treat people like crap. you straight up told him you used him. what the hell do you think he was going to do kiss you square on the mouth? i dont think so. he blew you off which is what he should have done. then he got a nice girl and treated her like crap because he was pissed at you. just like you did to him. "oh what a tangled web we weave."

now, this is what you do. GROW THE HELL UP!!!! stop ussing people. stop treating people like crap. and stop getting into relationships until your mature enough to handle one. maybe start with a plant? if you dont kill the plant then move on to a turtle. then of course up to a puppy and so on. sometime maybe when your 30 you may just be mature enough to try datting again.

mature adults dont hurt and use each other. get it now???

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