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He's not ready for relationship coz leaving for school

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We have been dating for a month, we pretty enjoy being with each other do whatever. We have been hold hands and kiss in the public...and we had sex too.Also he let me met his family by going out for formal dinner on his bd, and seems his family likes me too. I thought we already passed the dating stage, and about to move forward to the next, and he told me that" it's too soon and he is not ready for that, it doesn't mean that I dont care but why rush to it? I havent had relationship in for long and I am just trying to be safe with something"...He also tell me that the main thing is he is heading back to another city far away for final year of school next month. It's gonna be hard on relationship.


Then I told him maybe we should stop seeing each other. Since my feeling grows everytime we see each other, I dont want to hurt myself in the future. Also I just think it's no point for what we have been doing if I can't see any relationship ahead. But he asked me to reconsider, and he like what we have. He wants us to keep whatever we have now abd not seeing other ppl;wait till he finishs school in next year April. I feel so confused about all these, and dont know what to do. I like him... but if he doesnt want relationship for now, and why he wants us to not seeing other ppl.Isnt that is the whole point of relationship which is commit to each other by not seeing other ppl..I just feel so contradicting.. But I really likes him.. should I take the way he wants or I should just walk away with this ?

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Just give it a little time. You've only been dating for a month. I've known my "friend" for a year now and still don't know where the hell I'm at. Just keep in constant touch and see each other every chance you get. If it's meant to be, ya'll will find a way.

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You've only been dating for a month - that's a little too soon for anyone to make a commitment or ask for a commitment. Sometimes people date for years before making a commitment.


If you haven't had a lot of dating experience - date around, just don't sleep around because that can confuse both parties.


If he's going away to school chances are the relationship won't develop at all and you will both grow away from each other; which can be a good thing because you will both have a chance to grow personally and bring new experiences to a relationship when you do see each other again.

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If he's going away to school chances are the relationship won't develop at all and you will both grow away from each other; which can be a good thing because you will both have a chance to grow personally and bring new experiences to a relationship when you do see each other again.


well, you guys may right, I should take times and take it easy for now...Actually I just broke up with a relationship for over 3 yrs last year, and I also been through a lot by myself last yr too..I really dont wanna get hurted again and somehow... I am afraid of wasting time on something I cant see the future for...And one more thing, he is doing his U degree in final year.. even though he had been working for few years b4 that..but I already finished my Univ. couple years ago, and working in a firm for 2 yrs now..kinda looking for long term serious relationship to settle down a family in few years.. So i think that's why he and I are looking for diff things in relationship now...coz we are not at the same stage of our lives... But I really like him and cant ignore the feeling in my heart.... what do u guys think?

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